Eyeball In My AcidMartini

Yeah, I figured she just needed time and some help, but frankly she’s hit the terrible grey zone between “possibly mentally ill” and “definitely a huge asshole”. It’s too bad.

People who have conflated Israel’s government with Judaism are damn near impossible to talk to. Good luck.

WTF is with the weird swipes at men’s height? Tory Lanez is garbage through-and-through, but unless he has a habit of being really weird about other people’s height or something, this isn’t cool. Making fun of DeSantis’ lifts is fine, because he rather famously LOVES to police what other people wear, and is obsessed

Depressingly, there is some truth to that - when I was 15, my “boyfriend” was 22. It wasn’t exactly encouraged, but people didn’t freak out much, either. This was in 1990, and I remember it was even weirder when I was a younger kid. I’m glad culture is shifting, though, because it was definitely incredibly unhealthy

Same here! I honestly have no snark toward them, I just had absolutely no idea.

Look, I think Joe Jonas seems like a twerp, and his habitual demeanor reminds me more than anything of someone waking up from general anaesthesia, but let’s not take weird swipes at his height - that’s shitty.

Yeah, all I can tell from that photo is that it’s not done, and she’s a bit of a bleeder.

Well, this article also refers to the book as a “novel”, which it isn’t, so this may well be more NuJez sloppiness, since I only find the character listed with the surname “Brown”.

Killers of the Flower Moon is not a novel, it’s definitely nonfiction.

Are...are you okay?

I swear the Joe Jonas always looks like he’s waking up from general anaesthesia. Does the guy have a wicked Xanax habit or something?

Yeah, I think the newer writers want to emulate the glory days of Jez snark, but they really don’t understand why the old snark (usually) worked.

Oh man, I would laugh for days if someone talked this guy into an old-fashioned dick-shock belt.

Bony Carrot needs to go home and have fun cosplaying her weird theocratic bullshit kink. She’s shockingly stupid, and I have no idea how she ever made the bench in the first place.

I don’t even want to detail the fussy stupidity of how I (hopefully) managed to reply

Yep, same - this might be the worst break since the dark days of Now We Use Kinja

Yep - I honestly wasn’t sure if this even posted. This is extra broken.

FFS, who broke the code again on this site? Commenting is all janky again.

I feel like pork belly would also be fantastic.

Yuuuup. She’s disturbingly fond of authoritarians.