Eyeball In My AcidMartini

Yep. Several simulations have been run, and the only strong conclusion has been that being an average citizen with sufficient training for a carry-conceal license (which is far more than what most gun owners have) in a mass shooting situation results in you getting shot more easily. That’s it. In extremely few


The past tense of “lead” is “led”. Do you all need a proofreader at Giz media? I see this type of problem kinda a lot there, and it’s frustrating.


They deserve it. I’m white, and the worst shit done to me has been by white dudes. I’ve maybe had some unwanted comments from black men, but white guys? They’re fucking dangerous - every attempted purse snatching, every attempted grope, every following and threatening because I didn’t respond the right way? Not black

Yeah, there’s a certain level of white that’s too white even for a lot of white people. Pretty sure Cracker Barrel only plays Pat Boone covers of anything.

It’s awful how many of my fellow white people will avt like “fuck the police” - until they’re inconvenienced. FELLOW WHITE PEOPLE - DO NOT EVER CALL THE COPS UNLESS YOU ARE CERTAIN A CRIME IS TAKING PLACE. This means not reporting “suspicious” people, not calling in noise complaints, none of that shit. You hear

My best friend is super frustrated by Nicki because she’s a very talented MC, but she’s also fake and needlessly nasty. Cardi needs to fine-tune her sound still (in my opinion- I still love her sound, but she’s not as talented an MC by any stretch), but she’s pretty much 100% exactly who she says appears to be, and

That was ridiculous! That said, I had to agree with the (oddly few) articles that pointed out that he’s just...really, really, really stupid. Not any kind of excuse, but it does provide context. An entitled white man who is also a total moron is exactly the sort who would pull that whole stunt.

OMG - that quote! Like, does that even count as a dog-whistle?! We know what you’re trying to say, Walton, and it’s racist AF.

I’m honestly just very busy and I have an old computer. I would have to Google to find it again, which is something you can easily do as well. Possibly more easily, given my very old computer. I’m not offended or anything, but I’m kinda busy.

Yeah, given that he’s not tall, and she is pretty much in platform heels 24/7, it honestly may have been a bit of an effort - like, relaxing his neck for just a second could easily have resulted in a really awkward moment.

Yep. Considering it’s public record that his marriage broke up thanks to a violent, explosive temper (which, as I recall, also resulted in him having very limited visitation with the kids), he probably shouldn’t say any thing about any women ever.

WTF. Is it possible to actually die from cringe? If so, I might be a goner.

From people who have had to deal with her? No huge scandal, just general assholery. Rude, condescending, inconsiderate, &etc. Publicly, she’s said some pretty dreadful things (her Polanski defense is the easiest thing to cite, but there are others). She’s probably not a monster, but the evidence for her being a

There are plenty of examples floating around out there of her general jerkiness, and people I know who have had to deal with her all said she was awful, so there you go.

Definitely. I remember thinking it was kinda neat he was married to an older woman. Then I found out the details, and it got incredibly creepy and wrong very fast.

Many of them are also notable assholes to begin with, which, from what I hear, includes Deneuve.

“We singles live empty lives of quiet desperation”

This is ridiculous. “Wine” was a widely-varied beverage that long ago, and often was a mildly-alcoholic beverage served by the pint. What we know as “wine glasses” would have been for fortified or rare wines, not everyday stuff.