Uuuuuggghhh. On the other hand, can we get the photoshop up top to be real? I say this as a white woman who tries to fire up the minivan to come get her people as often as I can. There’s a fair amount of mileage.
Uuuuuggghhh. On the other hand, can we get the photoshop up top to be real? I say this as a white woman who tries to fire up the minivan to come get her people as often as I can. There’s a fair amount of mileage.
A friend of mine got to work with her - he was just a lowly assistant, but he said she was actually an incredibly sweet, funny person.
Honestly, I think there likely is fetishization happening, but since it would be demeaning to acknowledge it given her relative real-world power, they outwardly express disgust. Kinda like the subset of homophobes who are actually disgusted by their own attraction to the same sex.
I read In The Garden of Beasts shortly before the election, and I honestly don’t think I could right now. The social parallels are so disturbing.
I saw them at Empty Bottle in Chicago, and I got lucky enough to be absolute dead center against the stage - when this song kicked in, the crowd went nuts, and I had to hang on to the monitor to not get knocked down. Jaz ended up dripping sweat on my hands and forearms, which was a little weird, but I decided to just…
A lot of KJ fans don’t much like this song, and I’m only lukewarm on it recorded, BUT. Live, it is FUCKING AWESOME. Like, just incredible.
Dr. Hern and his people are amazing, and I will never stop supporting them.
I'm pretty okay with it if they do.
Sure it can, but it isn't done by him.
This is possibly the best response I've ever seen. You are seriously a master of actual constructive criticism, and I wish there were more like you. Thank you.
Bartender here! A rocks or neat pour is actually usually a heavier pour. In most cases, it's a solid .25 ounce heavier, so yes, you get charged more.
Just chiming in with my anecdata, but at least two large chains I worked for did this - it's shitty, but a LOT more common than people realize. I only found out about it when I inspected my pay stubs and check-out slips reeeally closely.
Because, days later, this is still the best thing ever; "Doctor Django's thrice-doused cow bacon with brontosaurs lettuce knuckles".
It's hit-and-miss, but always worth checking! J-List also sells them, but they don't ship chocolate during hot months, as the melting becomes an issue. :D
There's a store here called Rocket Fizz that carries many of the Japanese Kit Kats. I can vouch for the green tea ones being amazing.
Meh - I'm in Denver, so frankly it would take a pretty whopping dose of radiation for my body to give a shit. I'll happily eat mildly radioactive Salmon!
WHERE IS MACABRE CADAVRA?! Seriously, that comment thread was possibly the funniest thing I have ever read in any GM comment thread, ever.