I'm glad you escaped the brain-washing aspect, honestly. I had a friend who went to the training, and when she came back it was seriously like she had joined a cult. She was a sweet person, but after that I kinda didn't see her much. :/
I'm glad you escaped the brain-washing aspect, honestly. I had a friend who went to the training, and when she came back it was seriously like she had joined a cult. She was a sweet person, but after that I kinda didn't see her much. :/
I would never, ever wait weeks for any foodstuff except some rare, glorious, smoked cheese. Or Indian buffet from Yak&Yeti...I literally dream about their spicy pickles.
Yes! That's the whole thing that bugs me about most of the dialogue - there's this aspect to it that basically says that criticizing Leathers is slut-shaming, when many of us don't give a damn about how much sex she's having, or even if she's getting paid for it. I am totally in favor of informed, consensual sex work,…
I honestly haven't watched the show in quite a long time, but waaaay back when I was a fan (I was fairly young then), my favorite Companion was Leela. She was so much more interesting to me than the others. :)
Ha! I just mentioned that in another comment when I saw this post!
"Hey kids! Anyone ever hear of the Stanford Prison Experiment? Well, I thought it would be a fun theme for our mock-trial club's field trip!"
I don't know how teachers stay even remotely sane. I have friends who teach in Chicago public schools, and the only obvious sign of the mind-blowing stress is that when the term is finally, totally over, they go drink a LOT. Then they sleep.
Hahahahaaa...now all I can think of is how the stresses of teaching must lead to ideas like this far more often than we realize, but most of the time someone who has slept enough recently is in the room. :D
Yeah...I feel like I understand why someone initially had the idea, but at that point someone else at the meeting should have said something like "okay, so you want us to announce that our summer camp for kids is based on a fictional deathmatch?". :D
I understand what they're trying to say in that post, but I still feel they made a pretty serious mistake - I mean, a Lord of the Flies themed camp could also theoretically teach positive things, but it still seems like a really bad idea. The kids are still aware that a very large part of the book is kids hunting down…
I strongly suspect that they almost all suck, but some of us are just lucky with certain ones. :/
I've been lucky with pretty much all my other options. Frontier, Spirit, United, Delta, and Alaska have all been okay-to-great to me...American, though, managed to get on my permanent bad side.
I really, really hope he keeps himself together for his kids' sake. I rather worry he still needs to do some serious work on himself, but his kids deserve a healthy, relatively-well-balanced dad, and I hope he is for them.
Yeah, Weiner for sure bears the biggest responsibility, but Ms. Leathers is also an asshole. She was perfectly aware of the situation, and made the choice to go ahead with it...and NOW we should all applaud/feel sorry for her? Or something? I was once, briefly, the other woman. The guy was, yes, a master…
Unfortunately, this story does not surprise me at all. My last experience with American Airlines was so terrible that I have refused to fly them ever since, and it was purely due to customer service.
That's a really awesome story! Thank you for sharing that. :)
Me too...sometimes I feel like the biggest lesson that we need to learn is "NOT EVERYTHING NEEDS TO RUN ON A CAPITALIST BUSINESS MODEL". I mean, actual goods-and-services non-vital stuff? Sure! Of course! Education, Health Care, and the like? Well, we tried that, and look where we are now. :/
Yeah, that entire system is screwed up. I feel like it's got to change soon or collapse under itself, you know? I think what has me the most weirded out is that the proposed solution is basically "hey, we'll give you slightly-less-onerous-than-a-private-loan debt! Debt is good right?" instead of addressing the deeper…
Right?! This seriously seems like some sinister plot hatched to enmesh people ever deeper in the debt cycle. Either that or an Onion article.
I am so sorry, but when I see "Quebec" and "magical" in one sentence, my brain immediately pops in with Cirque du Soleil, and now all I can think of is a Cirque du Soleil-run preschool.