Eyeball In My AcidMartini

Yeah, I really wish there were some sort of sponsor system, or something. I've been on here for a long time now (although I switched to a Burner to avoid a couple of internet stalkers), and if I start a thread, the odds of it getting out of the grey are abysmal. :/

Yeah, as much as I feel it's important to pay attention to this, though, I'm suddenly just utterly fried, and I have to go read dumb ghost stories or something.

Yeah...I mean, I can sorta see why it may not have occurred to her beforehand that the project could be really hurtful to people - but when you get called out on it, and instead of saying "oh shit, I fucked up, and I'm sorry. Is there a way to do this better, or should I scrap it?", you get angry and dismissive? That

Yeah, I know a lot of royal families have had problems like that...I definitely feel that the changes in the past 30 or so years have helped.

Phillip was one handsome dude, by the way. I did not previously know that. :D

Awesome! I'll let you know when I've got it together. :)

Definite similarities, for sure! I would say Harry is more of a cross between Phillip and his uncle Charles Spencer...he's got really strong elements of both in his features.

Related, but off-topic, I'm thinking of writing a post about how getting called out is not a personal attack, or people just being mean. It's not fun to stop short and realize you screwed up, it feels icky to check privilege sometimes, but it's a good thing, and people aren't calling you out to attack you.

I think we should maybe not bring cutting into this.

Yeah, that makes sense. I figured his weird Twitter vibe was due to something like that, as I can't imagine someone as successful as him actually being like that. I have a friend who's a pretty well-regarded recording artist, and who I am certainly personally fond of, but on facebook he sounds like a 14-year-old drama

The weird part about it is that I swear William used to distinctly resemble Diana, but over time he's altered to become Charles-clone. 0.o

By the way, I do honestly appreciate that. Verbal habits can be slippery to catch, and I think it's good when people point them out...sometimes you forget to think, and it's good when people in the community stop you and go "hey, did you see what you did?". Thank you.

For what it's worth, Harry just really, really looks like a Spencer. William, on the other hand, is kinda turning into a blond clone of his dad.

Fair enough, and as a person with a fairly serious mental illness myself, I should know enough to be better about that. I apologize.

Yeah, I've kinda had that feeling for a while. As much as I would love to talk to the guy about writing, I have a feeling he would be a really obnoxious roommate, so to speak. His Twitter profile makes him seem weirdly immature? Naive? Neither word is right, but it's something like that.

Yep. C.J. Cherryh (one of the only authors I would get all giddy about meeting - she is seriously one of my heroes) had to do the same thing.

I'm really not's like they think any criticism of her is Horrible Sexism, and no amount of pointing out what you actually said makes any difference (pointing out that you're at least as tough on dudes makes no difference, either...they have a script, and they're sticking to it). While I don't feel that every

It's okay...apparently my personal fantasy about being a successful writer who would talk writer stuff with other successful writers in a similar genre, ONE OF WHICH WRITERS happens to be Gaiman, means I'm a giant fangirl (oh wait, I also follow him on Twitter). This person hasn't been actually reading all the way

Sorry about that, our thread went on a tangent, and we caught their attention...I was wondering how long it would take for someone to leap in here and call everyone evil for Not Understanding Amanda Palmer.

Yup, totally do...and I've called out dudes for the same kind of entitled bullshit and paranoia. She shouldn't body-shamed, she shouldn't be made fun of for -gasp!- having boobs, and I will call that type of stuff garbage. But there are real criticisms to be made of her, and she is not immune to them by sheer virtue