Eyeball In My AcidMartini

Yeah, I think her worst trait is her total inability to take criticism. As a pretty damn privileged person, she should be listening hard when people from marginalized groups call her out. Marginalized people aren't always right, but you damn well better listen, check your privilege, and think hard before you decide

He's eased up a little about her, thank gods...but in general, his Twitter is pretty odd. Like, he still seems very nice, but his Twitter is weirdly...high-school-ish?! I'm sure you know what I mean. It's strange, and not in the way one might expect.

Yeah, I had to turn off his retweets on Twitter, because he would RT her crap, and it would cause me near-terminal eyeroll. Like, I'm working on a couple writing projects that I hope are eventually successful, and part of my author-fantasy is going to cons and talking writing with authors I like and/or admire...then I

Oh, and I think you're safe here...I haven't spotted her around these parts yet. :D

Well, they do like to be selective in their sexist pearl-clutching. Their dainty hands get tired after a while. :D

I do first want to say that the Daily Mail is horrible and misogynistic, and is still evil in this case.

Ha! I had to turn off NG's retweets on Twitter because he would retweet something of hers, and it invariably made me roll my eyes so hard they ended up on the next calendar day.

Thank you for articulating something that I was having a hard time trying to express on my own! :)

Yeah, this whole thing is just fucking embarrassing.

Yeah, I'm definitely starting to be precise when I describe my feminism - intersectional feminism exists for very, very good reasons. I commented about it on Penabler's post, but in addition to this Jez post breaking really awful news, it has also exposed some really embarrassing things about some members of the

Right? I'm braced for the dismiss button if I need it.

Seriously...I'm a white feminist, and my first fucking reaction to this was NOT "oh dear! people are being kinda mean about some white women! I must twist up my knickers and try to make this problem about MEEEEE!!!"

Yeah, as a definite Gen-X myself, I would say that the charts that show us as being those born 1967-1977 - we basically grew up in the same world in that range. That said, there's a definite 2-3 year grey zone on both ends.

Hey, fellow Gen-X! It's okay...most of the millennials I know are pretty keen on advice and stories from their crazy Gen-X older sibs and friends. As we are the weirdly ignored generation, we have a chance to sorta skulk around the edges and be entertaining and maybe a little enlightening. Also we tend to bond over

Those guys that give you flack? They love Ellen too, and they just hide it. :D

That blue taffeta ruffly dress with the little bolero jacket? Pretty certain every prom in 1988 had at least one girl wearing that. I would go check my yearbook, but I'm a lazy bastard.

Elaine May is a godsdamn genius. That is all.

This woman is so, so awesome. Smart, articulate, fearless, and using her racial and economic privilege the way it should be used!

RIGHT!? It looks exactly like some evil being that has attempted to disguise itself as Kermit to get children to trust it.