Eyeball In My AcidMartini

That is enraging and heartbreaking. As cheesy as it sounds, maybe a petition on as a start? It would at least get some attention on the subject, and sometimes really big petitions have effectively embarrassed both corporations and governments into changing a stance on something (or at least have to scramble

My husband and I watched this, and we were cheering at his computer for her. She's one gutsy woman, and I wish I was there to cheer her in person!

Hahahahaaa! I HATE when I get handed sweet tea with no warning! I believe I described sweetened tea elsewhere in the comments as "demon bile", and I stand by that.

Hahahahahaaa!! George wears it better, I think. I have to admit, though, that I might be unfair in this because Robin Thicke's face mysteriously bugs me. Like, I have no reason for it, as I think he's objectively probably a reasonably-attractive guy, but some mysterious element of his face just makes me angry. I have

I do too, although frankly I think sweetened tea of any level is basically demon bile. I'll actually spit out sweetened tea that I've been given without my knowledge (not in any situation where it would hurt feelings, of course...but if I can get away with it, I get rid of it as fast as possible).

Oh my god, seriously the best thing in the world! I'm cautious about my croissants and pain au chocolat, as many places don't get it quite right (I suspect they skimp on the butter), but holy crap...either of those done right with either cafe au lait or a refreshing, slightly sweet white wine is just a total fucking

The Creme de la Curl cleansing creme and the Creme de la Creme conditioner works great for me! I used to be able to find it in Chicago Target stores, but I moved back West, and I haven't seen them here yet. :(

Oh, gods...I've heard of that happening! The best stylists I've had for my hair actually all had nice, soft, wavy or straight hair...they just had a lot of practice and talent with the trickier textures! In fact, they all got really good with coarser hair because they all said it had the most potential as far as

For sure! I actually do use some products that I guess are traditionally used by black women...a black friend of mine once overheard me complaining about how brittle my hair was, and she told me about the Palmer's Coconut Oil Protein conditioning pack - that stuff is amazing! I also love Miss Jessie's products, but

Dear gods...a "curl expert" gave you that cut?! My hair is super-coarse and wavy, but is easily curly if I just air-dry it and scrunch it...and that is THE WORST cut for hair like yours or mine. It leads pretty invariably to the feared "triangle head".

I feel your pain - I have short hair now, but part of the reason I cut off my super-long, thick, blonde hair many years ago was that people touched it, without asking, ALL THE TIME. It was creepy and horrible! A friend asking if they could touch, braid, or comb my hair? Fine! A non-creepy stranger politely asking if

I have occasionally asked to touch the hair of my friends who are POC, but truthfully it's only when it looks insanely soft and healthy...and I would do the same to a white friend if their hair looked truly incredibly healthy and soft. Partly, though, is that I have frizzy, wavy, coarse white girl hair - my best

Toni Collette is awesome, and I utterly love Muriel's Wedding. I honestly think it's one of the best films I've ever seen.

I really hope she gets better.

Yeah, and the trolls are already out for this one. :(

Definitely! According to a friend of mine who worked with her at some event or something, she's actually REALLY nice, she just has Bitchy Resting Face. He wasn't anyone "important", so to speak, so I feel he got a good read on her actual temperament. After he told me how sweet she was, I decided I liked her a lot, as

I'm not sure if this counts, but American Psycho is an awful book that somehow worked as a movie. I have to admit, though, that I think BEE is a hack and I hope he fades into it's not so much "love the film more" for me as "amazed that a book I utterly loathed became an okay film". :D

Ugh. I have several exes who are Asian, and luckily nothing that egregious ever happened. I have gotten weird comments after we broke up, though, vaguely implying that they were under-endowed, or otherwise not "manly", which makes me so angry I want to destroy something. I have a serious rage-trigger with that whole

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I don't know a ton of soundtracks off the top of my head, but the themes from Ghost in the Shell and Serial Experiments Lain are some of my favorite pieces that happen to be from scores. :)
