Eyeball In My AcidMartini

Why is it so hard for some people to get that it really is okay to think sexy thoughts about strangers, or even check them out, as long as you're not leering, staring, harassing or disrespecting autonomy? Like, we're not asking dudes to NEVER EVER look at a woman's butt, just don't be a pushy, disrespectful creep

THIS. Why put the onus of stopping body-snark on the women? We should be able to wear any damn thing we want without inviting personal attacks. The problem is the culture, not the clothing.

Yeah, I got a dental discount card, which helps, but holy cats is dental work expensive. I'm looking at about 1k in work right now, and I frankly have no idea how I'm going to pull that off. :/

That is like 15 kinds of awesome!

Yeah, the authors I talked to who used Lulu had a pretty good experience. They seem to be really good at doing all the stuff you want, and none of the stuff you don't. :)

Yeah, it's funny how 2k is pretty reasonable for all the services you get, but to us normal people that's kind of a lot of money. This page has a link to the package I said, I might be able to shave a bit off, but going ahead and getting the copyright registration and help with promo seems like a good

No shit...actual enjoyable feature films have been made for less! If I end up asking for money to help pay publishing costs for a project, it will be purely because I literally do not have the resources to do that on my own, and I'm still going to bargain-hunt! The Mamet girls need a lesson in reality.

I'm planning on going through Lulu, as I've heard very good things about them from other writers. The particular package I would definitely prefer to get is around 2k, which sounds pricey, but it includes copyright registration, both e-books and hard copies, and some promotional stuff. I did some comparing, and

Oh, for sure. I'm going to try to get the money for it all on my own, honestly, but sometimes I wonder if I'm being too cautious and not asking for help when it's definitely okay to, as I have been informed that that's a bad habit of mine. Being poor and kinda prideful is a recipe for anxiety.

Can we just fucking ban rich people from Kickstarter? Things like this make me want to cry and break things.

I'm thinking of starting one to pay for some dentistry, and maybe to help pay publishing costs for a graphic novel I and a friend are putting together. Is that awful of me? I'm pretty poor and all, but I don't know if it's okay for me to ask for money...but at the same time I kinda can't pay for those on my own. :(

FUCK YES. I love Girl Scout Cookies, and I love creepy artificially flavored creamers! I don't drink them often, but I love them. For me, this is a marriage made in heaven.

I had the most awesomely bad commencement speaker EVER. He had lost his job of 25 years when The Rocky Mountain News folded, and he was VERY BITTER. Which I can kinda understand, but holy shit. His speech was basically "everything sucks, your degrees are useless, and there is no safe haven now or in the future". He

Oh my god, Janet Stephens' YouTube channel is the best rabbit hole I've been down in months! Thank you!

Yeah, and apparently it's really, really hard to get approved for a helper monkey. They're great for the right person in the right circumstances, but it's a very specific and carefully-screened situation.

I'm all in favor of cycling and all, but I HATE smug cyclists who think that the rules don't apply to them. As a pedestrian, I could take us all out for drinks if I had $5 for every time I've nearly been greased by an asshole cyclist. A friend and I once called the cops on a Critical Mass thing when they damn near

I'm pretty keen on "Stutter" by Elastica for messy splits.

This was truthfully really, really interesting to me. So many details of ancient life get glossed over as "trivial", and frankly, hairstyles on upper-class women in a patriarchal society are exactly that sort of detail. Those hairstyles were an important aspect of life; as indicators of status for the wearer, perhaps

This wins the internets today!

"Greetings, exotic noble savages! We are white people who are sure we are in tune with 'tribal' people everywhere because we have bad dreads and poor hygiene! We bring you a pile of sex-stank steaming euros! Now be grateful, for we have saved you!"