Eyeball In My AcidMartini

Can we, as the world, please stop paying attention to what Polanski says? He's an awful person and a convicted rapist. I don't care what kind of talent he has or what kind of tragedy he's had to weather; lots of other people have been through terrible things, and there are many incredibly talented people, who are

You're not alone...there are a few of us here that have plenty of early memories!

Same here! I dew out a diagram of an apartment I remembered from early childhood, and my parents informed me that we moved out of there when I was 9 or 10 months old. They weren't surprised, though, as I have a LOT of memories from very early life...this is just one instance where there's clear proof of a true memory.

According to modern costumers and curators who have handled her clothes, she was really, really tiny. She easily would have fit a modern size 6, and more likely a 4. You really can't tell size from her photos, and proportion is tricky when someone is posing like that. I actually read an article within the past year

Well, I found my nightmare fuel for the week.

SERIOUSLY!!! The entire monkey issue makes me Hulk-rage at the thought of that lazy, entitled little shit just leaving a baby monkey in limbo.

I have something similar...when I was much thinner, I actually had a lot of people concern-trolling me about being anorexic, even though I wasn't even close to underweight and I was eating healthily and enjoying food (I hide weight pretty well, and I have an odd frame). I get less of it now, even though I'm currently

Hahahahaaaa!! With my luck the same thing will happen to me. I would have to be an angry ghost if my last sight in this world was that movie.

For what it's worth, I still haven't seen "Titanic", and at this point I'm not too worried about it. :D

Seriously...I basically only ever stand in lines like that when I seriously MUST. Like, I just got stranded at LAX, and myself and 500 other people need new flights and hotel rooms kind of thing.

Mr. O'Heir was a guest in a restaurant where I worked, and while I had never seen the show and had no idea who he was, I can vouch for him being a very nice man with a good sense of humor.

Hahahahaaa! I love the term "irritation porn". As much as I love my husband, there are seriously times when I have to completely ignore him because I want to freak out over some small obnoxious thing. It's so weird how you can love someone, get along great with them, and really genuinely enjoy their company, but also

Yeah, I was wondering about that, too. Maybe the idea of betrothed children was overly-weird for them?

Yeah, the whole thing was super-weird. It wasn't super obvious, thankfully, and I think I noticed it partly because I'm very social by inclination, but it's not something that comes naturally to me, if that makes sense. I've always had to sort of approach interpersonal relations a bit like an alien anthropologist

It's definitely true...when I sounded too "smart", people seemed off-put. Also, when that happened, I noticed that they would say things that seemed to be, for lack of a better term, "putting me in my place" or flatly implying that it was strange for a "pretty" woman to sound like me. It was subtle, and I very much

No problem...the Wikipedia page format for monarchs can be confusing, as their tenure is listed where a D.O.B - D.O.D. goes for everyone else.

Hahahaha! Yeah, I think it got muddled since she had an approximately 25-year reign in one fashion or another, and the Wikipedia page format can be confusing.

wait, sorry, 44. Got my months tangled

She was executed at 44, not 25 :)

Count me in as someone who really doesn't want to have to do a ton of clicking for some photos. Pleeeease just have this as a regular article again.