Eyeball In My AcidMartini

Beauty "privilege" is so fucked up. I've been on both sides of it, and it's awful all the way around. Before about 10th grade, I was pretty ruthlessly bullied for being "ugly"; when I hit my mid-teens, I was suddenly "beautiful". When I was one, my being smart was just further proof that I was an "ugly nerd". When I

Should I be embarrassed about the fact that just the headline was enough for me to guess that it was a Camels and Friends video I hadn't seen?

Sorta-appearance-related-but-pretty-great: my best friend and I on the train heading to a club. Full goth/deathrock makeup, platform boots, teased mohawk, &etc. A very professional-looking middle-aged black woman telling us that she loved our look because we were so happy and confident about it, and didn't mind

Wow. I mean, I favor indoor-only for cats, but I wouldn't accuse someone with an indoor/outdoor cat of abuse! That's just...weird.

Wow. This woman is a serious jerk. The fact that she can't understand ANY of the problems with what she said is kinda mind-blowing.

My cat is indoor-only, and he refuses to go outside. He's accidentally gone about three feet outside before, and he was definitely Not Interested. I'm an indoor-only fan, myself, but in my experience you can't convince people that cats can be completely healthy and happy indoors if they believe otherwise. It's a

I actually wasn't raised with any "dirty" words, as in my parents never told me any words were bad, and just sorta let me work it out on my own when and where I wanted to use them (resulting in me swearing like a truck driver as a 2-year-old). Weirdly enough, I apparently don't swear that much now, and I have to admit

Exactly!!! I realize some people are slut-shamey at her, but for the most part around here I think the general attitude is "dude, you made a porn. It's cool. Just own that", whereas her "oh, I'm not one of THOSE girls" bullshit is passive-aggressive slut-shaming at it's worst. I really think Farrah has done little

Right?! I really want some nifty hostess pajamas, but I can never find them.

Fellow sleep-bra wearer here! I'm not even very busty, but I just feel more comfortable when I'm not bouncing and shifting. My friends all think I'm insane.

As a 20-year service industry veteran, I declare Amy the Bull Goose Loony of restaurateurs. Samy isn't much better, though. I've worked for some lunatics and idiots in my day, but these two make them all pale in comparison.

The only thing I ever saw her in was Watchmen, and holy hell she was bad in that (it wasn't just the film, she honestly did a terrible, wooden job). She looked right for the part, definitely, but....there were a LOT of problems with that film, and she wasn't helping. Maybe she's better in a different vehicle.

This is actually my issue with eating bugs...I can NOT eat whole shrimp or prawns due to the texture. That said, if they used some nice clean bugs for the protein in patties or nuggets (basically like Boca stuff, but bugs instead of soy), I wouldn't really care.

Seriously...this is pure unintentional comedy gold.

I know someone who's a raw-milk enthusiast, and to hear him tell it, it is literally magical. It fights disease! It makes you fit somehow! It grows back your hair and lets you talk to the elves! (okay, he didn't actually say that last one, but I wouldn't have been shocked)

Now playing

Oh my gods, everyone watch this! If you don't think this is awesome, I don't understand you.

Yeah...I don't think people realize that uncultured milk is largely useless, raw or not, in altering your gut flora. You need some fairly large doses of bugs to do you said, yogurt and kefir are a good place to get a nice big dose! Now I want kefir.

Also, "good bacteria" in raw milk is pretty negligible, as a cow's udder doesn't house much bacteria unless she has mastitis, in which case she shouldn't be milked. Gut bacteria aren't colonized from milk. Humans have rarely been great at digesting cow's milk, hence stuff like yogurt and cheese outside of a few

You can actually find pasteurized "cream top" milk in a lot of places. It can take a little looking, but it's definitely out there.