Eyeball In My AcidMartini

Also unpasteurized milk can transmit tuberculosis, which can then spread into the wider population...raw-milk enthusiasts tend toward some serious magical thinking, though, so I doubt reason will sway them.

I would have assumed so, but I was going off of the fact that Ms. Beck appeared rather amazed by the presence of bunnies.

I love marmots! I once had a "conversation" with a family of marmots that was living in the ruins of a cabin up on, I think, Mt. Bross. I had gotten ahead of everyone else, and sat down to wait for them next thing I know, I hear chirping, and all these adorable little faces start peeking up from under the old logs and

Hahahaha! I think I saw those in a book of folklore once, but regular old Mountain Goats are already pretty incredible climbers, so I don't think I ever heard much embellishing. :D

In all fairness, they are weirdly urban in Chicago. Like, they're all over downtown...they like to come out to forage at night, and while I was living there I used to watch them hopping across State street at like 3 AM.

I'm in Colorado, US, and we have Jackrabbits here, too...sometimes they'll run alongside cars, and DAMN are they fast!

I thought wild bunnies were everywhere! I will say, though, that while I was living in Chicago, they would be crossing State street at about 3 AM, so those were some super-urban bunnies.

We have them here in Colorado, too, although we also have random Jackrabbits and TONS of prairie dogs. Maybe they only don't have wild bunnies on the east coast?

Yeah, I seriously dislike the beard. I mean, even if he's truly a devout Sikh, he could still keep it tidy.

Honestly, I wish I could do this. I adore my husband, but living with another person is really not the path to happiness for me at this point in my life. I value our marriage, so I'm living with him anyway, but I reeeaally wish I had my own place still. Like, that last arrangement with the one shared room sounds kinda

Sadly, it's likely already out there. I would Google it, but I value my sanity too much.

Exactly! Also, the fact that they're also not raging about things like the Pentagon getting money that they (the Pentagon) actually have said they do not need says a lot about how knee-jerk the response is. When BILLIONS have been blown on crap like the F-35, which NOBODY in the military wants or needs, I'm pretty

This is my favorite gif today!

I know (and care deeply about) similar people, although not from SC. I've tried to explain that the Lazy Poors aren't draining our pockets, but I just gave up after a while when nothing was getting through. It's super-weird, and reeeeaally frustrating.

I just love his avuncular smile as they trash the studio in the performance segment.

Any mention of the Danceteria gets "Instant Club Hit" stuck in my head.

Hahahahaaa!! did she find an outfit that kinda makes her look like a really unfortunate mutant?! Giant Lady-Parts Woman would be one of the worst X-Men, honestly.

Now playing

One of the best things that was ever on television was Wendy and The Plasmatics on SCTV.

I don't know exactly when or where the photo is from, but I want a time machine to go there.

I love you for posting a Wendy O. pic!