Yeah, I think I would fake a charley-horse and escape, myself.
Yeah, I think I would fake a charley-horse and escape, myself.
I kinda love Miley's look, honestly. The others are all variations of "okay", except for whatever Kristen Stewart is wearing. It's really, really horrible.
Honestly, I couldn't help but laugh when he told me the whole thing. I don't know if that was her expressing a lack of chemistry, or if she just has the oddest O-face in the world. Otherwise she was pretty normal, and we all stayed friends for years. :D
Hahahahahaaa! I had a guy friend who hooked up with a girl friend of ours, and he was pretty freaked out by the experience. They had been flirting for weeks, got along fine, they definitely had the hots for each other. THEN. When they finally had sex, apparently she just stared silently and expressionlessly into his…
I really, really hope he does time for this...he has a history of violence against women (remember when he assaulted a reporter who was interviewing him?), and an attitude like the rules don't apply to him. I very much want the rules to apply to him.
They're made of tempered glass, and are damn near unbreakable. Honestly, I love's pretty, works great, and is incredibly easy to clean!
Lindy, this is amazing. Thank you. Also, what Elizabeth Smart said in that speech just killed me when I read it. I wanted to just send her all the warm fuzzies in the world.
Same here! Due to divorces and remarriages, I ended up the much-oldest of 6, and I'm pretty certain that turned off my biological click. And maybe threw it out the window. I adore my sibs, (I had two of them full-time for three years) but I do NOT want to do it all over again. They can have kids, and I'll be the…
I always try to do the little kindnesses, too. It really does make me feel better about the world, even if I'm really cranky otherwise. A hilarious-but-sweet story: I was once walking back to my old house from the bus stop after a follow-up appointment for a minor surgery. It was pretty chilly out, and there was still…
Just the mass of little kindnesses many people do every day is so easy to forget about...this video was a much-needed antidote to a sour mood.
I vaguely qualify as "goth" (although we never used that word way back when, hilariously enough), and all my friends and I look fantastic for our ages (mid-30's to mid-40's). A few of my non-goth-type friends have commented on it, and I pointed out that we tend to use a lot of sunblock, and have always avoided the…
YES. Thank you.
I love love love Viktor&Rolf's Flowerbomb. I have a couple random not-bad other perfumes I can use, but Flowerbomb is my absolute favorite.
Yeah, he gave her some weird statement about how it's the internet, so it's okay, or something along those lines. I was literally slack-jawed when she told me.
Just remember to Tineye his photo to make sure he's not pulling a bait-and-switch. That actually did happen to a friend of mine...the guy acted like there was seriously nothing wrong with using someone else's photo. She disagreed.
Oh, Lindy...just when I think you've hit peak awesome, you make an MST3K reference, and my heart is filled with gladness!
Wait, I am very confused. As a Gen-X, I can confidently say we were well out of high school in the 2000's. Are they using that interchangeably with "Millennial"? Because that is incorrect. Basically, if you weren't at least a Freshman in HS by 1990, you're not Gen-X. I have no idea what the heck this is all saying.
As someone who drinks a pot of coffee every day, I am apparently already dead.
The grey saddens me, as I believe I am still a grey. :( I've been on the site for some time, and the only reason I switched to a Burner was because I was worried about being harassed by some of the nastier cellar-dwellers that were rampant for a bit.