Dear Jennifer seem like a nice lady, and I like your dress. PLEASE STOP HAVING THE SAME BORING HAIRSTYLE. Please.
Dear Jennifer seem like a nice lady, and I like your dress. PLEASE STOP HAVING THE SAME BORING HAIRSTYLE. Please.
The full-length view makes the entire dress look about 2 or 3 inches too's seriously weird. Like, even the thigh slit seems to start too low. I think she's literally wearing it incorrectly.
Brandi Glanville's dress seriously looks like it's just slowly sliding down. The look is aiming for sexy, but hits awkward dead on.
I actually had the same reaction...I think he's weirdly hot anyway, but for some reason my brain saw him in mom drag and added points to his score for it. I'm honestly a little confused right now.
Dear Justin Bieber:
Ahahahaha...I love you. :D
Tell them to make sure to pick me up while they're here!
Anthropology. I switched to it from pre-med out of sheer love for the subject, but my spazzy grades for a couple years while I was fighting a then-mysterious illness, combined with the fact that you kind of need a Master's or better to really work in the field, make it a non-lucrative degree. :( I really enjoyed…
Good gods...another "me too!" here, at least with the wasted potential. I clocked in at 174-ish on various IQ tests, have no trouble understanding much of anything, and yet I'm an unemployed bartender with a degree that won't get me a job. I never really could figure out how other people get through the world,…
I'm pretty sure she's just kinda squinting in the sun.
It actually can, if you use it very, very sparingly and strategically, which is not what happened here.
In a few shots it kinda looks like what might happen if someone tried to wear everything from a Goth's closet all at once (you have to admit, we can be clothing hoarders), but that's about it. -37-year-old goth-type
Nice coat!
Ahahahahaaaa! Fellow Goth-type here, and I shop at all the same places, as do most of my friends! I feel like VS and Newport News are the retailers of choice for a lot of us. :D
You actually handled that pretty well...many people would have been a lot more freaked out. To be honest, I'd be fine with pretty much everything except someone walking in my bathroom/shower while I was in there, although since I'm a woman that may not have been the kind of thing they were looking for. I get Hulk-rage…
Perhaps some evolutionary anthropologists are associated with evo-psych, but my experience with it was far more scientific and far less speculative. Also evolutionary anthropology is an umbrella term in a lot of ways that encompasses a pretty wide range of studies.
Wooo! Anthropologists represent! (well, in my case, a non-practicing anthropologist at the moment, unless you count occasionally chatting with my sister about her graduate program)
Yeah, situations like that make you wonder...I think it's a lot sadder, too.
Steak, stinky cheese, and chocolate with salt (preferably chocolate-covered potato chips). Also red wine.
I wish I could remember who said it, but it was in reference to when Al and Tipper Gore split up - essentially, a couples therapist said that we need to stop assuming that any marriage that ends in divorce must therefore be a failed marriage. Basically, as long as it has been positive and nurturing, and both parties…