Eyeball In My AcidMartini

Yeah, the whole thing just makes me want to bang my head against the wall sometimes.

I may have to check out some of his writing...I'm a white woman, but I actually tend to be pretty testy about the desexualization of Asian men in American culture. I've dated Asian guys before, and there really is this weird attitude from people like they're not "real" men. It was like people couldn't get their heads

Kristen can rock the natural silver like a boss.

I think some people get like that because they're frankly kinda freaked out by the horror of the reason for the memorial, maybe subconsciously. They're disturbed and maybe a little frightened, so they react in a way that pushes the horror away and makes it less real. Some people are just assholes, but I think a lot of

This. Although I am not a veteran, this is more or less what I thought...most PEOPLE can't be soldiers (I know it's not for me, for example), but soldiers of either sex have generally already faced the question of killing, and have made an informed decision to potentially be in that place. It's really condescending to

I love you for this...for some reason nobody ever gets it when I reference this movie, and that makes me sad.


Thank you, although I'm not watching that right now, mostly because I don't want my husband to see me blushing.

Thank you for having the patience to address this...I really just don't, and tektwo? Don't try to tell me what I'm actually thinking or feeling, please. That may not have been your intent, but you're unfortunately coming across as really condescending. The absolute truth is that I think it's creepy when people become

Since you're getting jumped on by a lot of people who seem to be projecting their own feelings onto their cats, I'm just going to chime in that I agree with you. My cat is indoor-only, and has ZERO interest in going outside. He likes to hang out at the window and sniff sometimes, but he's happy with his established

It drove me nuts when I was on facebook, as did people who posted ONLY profile photos of themselves with their significant others. I am happily married, and happily, deliberately childfree, so jealousy had nothing to do with it, and I don't think that's the motivation for most people. I honestly get creeped out when

FWIW, I do have a friend who got minor labiaplasty because she's a competitive equestrian, and she was on what I suppose you would call the "full" side with her lady-parts. She was actually in a lot of pain from the combination of her preferred sport and her build, and her sport is frankly the most important thing in

Seconded by an Aurora Public Schools alum!

Yeah, I was basically thinking the same...Deen is pretty new to acting-acting, so I'm not going to be too harsh on him. Honestly, it looks like he may have potential with some coaching and good direction. Lohan, though, yikes! Her face has gotten super-weird looking, and she mostly just looks vaguely confused in this

Pod People reference FTW!!

Agreed on both!

Well, FWIW, I was in study about G/T kids, but again, I do NOT consider myself a "prodigy". That word refers to truly nigh-unbelievably talented children (again, think Mozart). When I see so many kids who have plenty of documentation about their abilities that are about on a par with Evan's, to me those kids are just

?! Every kid in my family had at least that grasp of language by 7. We're extremely bright, on average, but certainly not prodigies. Mozart was a prodigy...I was just a really smart kid who was good with language, and I imagine Evan is, too. There's far too much documentation of him for this to be a twee hoax. Hell,


Same here...I think the fashion industry is just blatantly making shit up to try to sell women a whole new shoe wardrobe. I mean, they basically do that anyway, but in this case it's pretty egregious.