
If you are friends, it makes everything easier. I know that sounds odd to have to state, but I’m surprised how many people don’t really like each other ax friends. My husband and I have been married almost 22 years. Over that many years there have been highs and lows, but the lows were never as hard as they could have

Talk about everything. Courtesy is important! Express daily your appreciation and love. If a distance opens, address it immediately. Never, ever say things in a fight just to hurt. There are only 2 votes in a marriage between 2 people, no one else gets a say. If there is any topic that you are scared to bring up with

Hello lovely people of Jez. In the spirit of keeping you guys posted, I underwent a breast tomosynthesis and ultrasound this week and the doctor said “I don’t see anything I worry about here”. One of the areas of interest is a cyst and the other is a clump of breast tissue. I was advised to schedule a genetic risk

It doesn’t matter which daughter it was. This little piece of vindictive, mean-spirited bullying was purely about President Tweety hearing the word NO and feeling his teeny-weeny weenie shrink even smaller. His behavior. has always shown us that he enjoys being mean for the sake of meanness whenever he feels thwarted

Yeah, one of the most extreme forms of narcissism is when someone believes that God has saved them while simultaneously leaving others to die.

Trump is just as bad as Hillary guys! The DNC cheated Bernie so let’s protest vote! Let’s stay home! They both suck equally!

My best friend was a guy I knew since age 12. After about 30 years of almost daily contact, I moved 2 states away. We were reduced to increasingly rare phone conversations and my occasional visits back. One thing that always made us both laugh was no matter how much time passed, whenever we spoke again, it was like

If we’re going by the bible, God is a baby-murdering petty insolent narcissistic psychopathic dictator.

To make Mythopoetic Stew:

Did it take anyone else a minute to get the Taylor Swift costume joke? I kept staring at it like, “Okay, I see Beyoncé and Rihanna and the baby is Prince but where is Taylor?”

Speaking of Stormfront, this is an excellent read.

Found my first one in high school. Don’t pluck it — not because 3 more will grow back or whatever, but because when that one grows back it will be shorter than the rest of your hair and no matter how you wear your hair or how you try to slick it down it will stick straight up by itself like a little white antenna

What’s important to remember is that there are numerous theories floating around for a reason: to obfuscate the truth. A little known tradition of the Illuminati is the spousal membership. When Kanye became Illuminati he asked that the rites be extended to Kim as well, so she received what is known as an infinity

Stand your Ground is for white men. There was a prosecutor in Florida (IIRC) who explicitly said that the law shouldn’t count for domestic violence victims.

Disagree. I have been a man for nearly 31 years (a human for nearly 49) and I have never had a conversation like that. Assaulting someone? Physical contact against someone’s will? And yuckety-yuck-yuck? Not close. This is different than commenting on looks - which I would guess most people have done. This is,

I’m just glad the deplorables are onto Obama, without them constantly thwarting his plans he may have been able to use this hurricane as an opportunity to become President of the climate.

Whew, I was worried there for a minute. Yay SNS!