Really looking forward to these every week now.
Really looking forward to these every week now.
I know what I say next will probably make no difference and I’ll just sit in the greys anyway but the consequences are fresh right now so: COPD is one horrible disease (as stated by another commenter). My mother-in-law died at 62. We took care of her for the last 8 years of her life. Watching someone slowly and…
That mashup is awesome!
Years ago I had a friend (and a few other people) who was watching the show "Cops" and there was a little boy in feetie pajamas out in front of a second floor hotel room. He couldn't have been more than three. I had two sons at this point and no one else there had children. I asked them to change the channel. They…
I've started to realize this is my problem. I was hungry so often as a child. If we did have something good if I didn't eat it now someone else would. It's really messed with my feelings of food safety.
That is a room full of genetic lottery winners. So much pretty. ..
When they did a close up of her face my jaw dropped. She is stunning!
I really wish she would be the one Schmidt ends up with but we know that won't happen.
Ok, is anyone else feeling like you are watching the Miss USA pageant with the "where they are from" announcements as they walk to the stage? tired of it. I had breast cancer last year. My husband had a scare just when I finished treatment when his humerus snapped while throwing a disc. It turned out to be due to a tumor but thankfully no cancer. My boss just finished her treatment for breast cancer and my sister-in-law was just diagnosed with…
Oooo..that's my plan as well except I already have the kid (all grown up now). He finally changed his major to Astrophysics thank goodness. The poor guy will likely never go to space due to being legally blind but he's finally made peace with that. I'm always telling him to hurry up so I can live vicariously…
You know, that is it exactly. She is incredibly tone deaf/thoughtless when she talks about her relationship and especially the children. I may not care for Brandi's behavior either but they are her children. Love them all you want but have some empathy for their mother's feelings.
Yeah, I don't get that. Indifferent, bored by, even annoyed by said babies? That I get, but "hate"? Really?
I believe it as well. My mom was visiting a couple of years ago and as we were driving past my new neighbor who who was out working on the house he had just bought, she decides to lean out the window and yell (yes yell) "Wooo, looking good!" You should have seen the look on his face... As I'm cracking up and,…
I agree. I know he's not perfect but I get the strong impression that he really does think about things and truly cares.
Ok - so I'm the only one that clicked over to check out Sharon Stones nips? The rest of you are missing the best typo (?) ever: "Stone was recently voted the hottest cougar in Hollywood, eating out Kathy Griffin and Madonna for the top honors."
Best. gif. ever. I seriously watched it for about 5 minutes... problem is I was diagnosed with hormone receptive breast cancer last year so no helpful replacements for me....I wake up at about 3 - 3:30 every morning and it sucks.