I made a big point of continuing to go absolutely everywhere that I liked because fuck him, I own all these places and HE can go find somewhere new if it bothers him.
I made a big point of continuing to go absolutely everywhere that I liked because fuck him, I own all these places and HE can go find somewhere new if it bothers him.
None. After he walked out on me and the kids I made a big point of continuing to go absolutely everywhere that I liked because fuck him, I own all these places and HE can go find somewhere new if it bothers him.
I was married once. It was on the planet Earth. Since then, fuck that place.
I greatly envy those who can move away after a breakup. My ex and I are gay men in a big Midwestern city and I constantly run into him and his new flame (who is 12 years my junior and it will never not hurt). My options are to suck it up or become a recluse.
Pumpkin Andy’s Wine Bar and Cat Palace is open this evening for all your boozy, kittenish needs! Hello everyone! I’m off work for at least another month, and to that I say, thank God! I’m loving The Price is Right, and sleeping in, and slowly drinking coffee while I figure out the day. I sailed through cardiac rehab…
I grew up just up the road from a Kingdom Hall and knew a lot of JW kids growing up. I have no problem believing that they have been covering up sexual abuse for decades and decades. Spousal abuse, too.
You’re reading too much into it, they’re just paying by the pound. Rocks are heavy, Blunts are not.
I hope surfer/douchebag Conrad Carr gets a beating for sharing what is obviously a small, private, family wedding.
There’s a lot to unpack here. I’m trans and I’ve spent my career thus far in customer-facing IT. I’ve long accepted that I will have both co-workers and customers who hate me. I guess that’s life where I can expect to always get the short stick.
he’ll look great in a redskins uniform.
Congressman Ted Lieu replied to the Asshole in Chief that, in fact, 98% of forest land in California is federally owned, and that Trump was the person who cut funding to the Forest Service, so any “mismanagement” lies on Trump’s head. Ted Lieu is the ultimate trump twitter troll. Also, the local news reported that…
I’m not really okay. I function because the one thing that never left me and keeps me going is a sense of humor (often gallows variety) that gets me through. But while >125 surgeries and hundreds of dermatological procedures have allowed me to look something like myself, internal injuries remain. I have only one…
I’m going to try to follow Katy Perry’s remarkable grace right now, though my thoughts about Trump’s evil and ignorant tweet are much darker.
Oh it was extravagant. Every time I donated or invested I sent a little email to her shitass son, detailing how I spent that money, and he didn’t. He managed to get the rest of her estate, even tho she had 4 children. He has purchased a private lake, and a 3 million dollar mansion on it using the proceeds from the…
After my granFanda died, I discovered she had snuck little bits of money into money markets, CD’s and savings accounts in my name since my birth. I was notified of this by her sister via a post card with my first clue (because she made it a treasure hunt). All told she left me 24k. The knowledge of that money, of the…
The other day I saw gravity at Barnes & Noble looking for a book on Simone Biles.
If I was an Olympic level woman gymnast, I would send Simone Biles a book on gravity because she doesn’t seem to understand how it works.