
I hope Laura Ingraham burns in a fire of her own making.

That still doesn’t sound *directed* at Kate Middleton to me-- sounds like it’s about the culture that forces her to pretend that this stuff is easy.

Wow, he's really got that '80s suburban redneck, bondo-covered '69 Camaro-driving, high school girl chasing, child support shirking, Skynrd listening, donut in the parking lot by Fotomat doing, look DOWN. That's quite something!

Just because you’re over 40 doesn’t mean you can’t...look like a Limited Edition Dan Marino Barbie dipped in Murphy’s Oil Soap

Nothing relaxes me more than wondering if the person between me and the door will suddenly lunge in my direction! It’s so soothing, I’m thinking of starting a spa called WHAT’S THAT BEHIND YOU, which features enormous, grumpy tigers and pumas and lots of sudden, sharp noises, with staff on hand to out of nowhere start

The RTÉ exit poll has just been announced and it’s almost the same: 69.4% Yes with a 1.6% margin of error. I think we might have actually done this!! My feet are killing me from canvassing, my ears are ringing from the stuff that was shouted at me, my eyes are tired from crying, but I hope to sleep very well tomorrow

I think it’s that all men have been socialized as men, and may have done inappropriate things like that without even realizing it, because men aren’t taught to look inward. Like for Louis CK thing, I want to say “what was he thinking?” but I know the answer: He wasn’t thinking, because he never had to think about it.

Listen, you can still be a musician/model/actor even if you haven’t booked any gigs yet, okay?

I’m so fucking torn. I WANT to see this movie. I want to see it in theaters, I want to see it tonight...

From my corner the only problem is that Wanda Sykes is being paid less then Mo’nique.....

Women are cast as the moral backbone of the society, so they become the custodians of sex. It’s men’s to take and women’s to keep. A woman’s worth is tied to how fiercely she guards it, so boys are conditioned to think ‘good girls’ say no and they are the ones worth pursuing. Her worth increases the more they have to

This is not the first time I’ve been stymied by this modern invention of a music video with an intro that’s as long as the song itself, and I do not prize it. Not at all. I’d rather spend those extra 3 minutes on Netflix.

Okay, so although I respect the opinion of others who say that everything happens for a reason, I don’t personally believe it does. Terrible, shitty things happen every day all over the world and I don’t think there’s a positive purpose behind any of it. Therefore, in case you’re my kind of cynical, here’s my

I’d like to live in Malibu in a Joni Mitchell style. Plan B is living in Malibu Jim Rockford style.

LW1, you have one problem and one situation that isn’t your problem.

Harvey has picked Lupita to rebut by name for two reasons;

Wait, you mean she wasn’t instantly and universally believed and showered with job offers and money, and Nelly’s life wasn’t ruined forever by the mere accusation? This must be the first time in history that a rape victim wasn’t richly rewarded for coming forward and an alleged rapist escaped unscathed.

I wisely neglect to comment on #PaulaDeen but I say my husband is disgusted with her.