
Thank you. I miss her but I also have this weird happy feeling because she ended her days surrounded by her family patting her and hugging her in her own backyard. She even loved the vet who came to help us out, as she loved all surprise visitors. I’ve never been able to plan things like that with my animals. The

Thank you for this, Burke! This crossed my mind yesterday at the Gold medal tie (I hadn’t seen the men’s butterfly tie until you posted this) and thought it was really strange they weren’t using a more precise system. I find it pretty amazing that they’ve taken into account the affect tolerances in construction and

I dunno, either, which makes me everybody’s Grandma.

Yeah, like I said I’m probably not going to be all that coherent today, but I can’t put the tablet down. I need stars and replies to my gifs and comments to validate my existance!

That’s the one. That’s why literally every tenured professor, as well as every student, at Harvard is a bilingual undocumented queer woman of color, and White men are only allowed on the premises as security guards and footstools.

Kill Charlie Sheen, Marry Adam Sandler, and sadly, fuck Andy Dick. God help me.

“According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2013, firearms were used in 84,258 nonfatal injuries (26.65 per 100,000 U.S. citizens) [2] and 11,208 deaths by homicide (3.5 per 100,000),[3] 21,175 by suicide with a firearm,[4] 505 deaths due to accidental discharge of a firearm,[4] and 281 deaths due

“night on the town” for this woman=8 pm church service followed by a glass and a half of white zinfandel at Barb’s house while they talk shit about the other’s women’s ‘slutty’ church outfits.

Can you really be ON Xojane or was it inside you all along? Maybe xojane is inside of all of us as we are it... After all what is an X but a way to mark treasure, and isn’t the real treasure love? Isn’t the best kind of love the kind where you love yourself, and if you find someone to love the you you love, then

Now playing

I don’t know what the hell Jive Records did to Britney but I will never forgive them for it. Before she signed with them, she could do this:

I am the girl on the end who looks really uncomfortable and her dress is ill fitting and for some reason she is wearing wings? That is me.

I can’t decide whether that kid or her parents are my heroes for the day. They’re all doing everything right.

Little girl #3: “I’ll see you at Lincoln Center. I’ll be the one on the stage; you’ll be the one in the cart out front”

Pfft, jokes on her. God isn’t saving anyone.


Ooooh, a visit to the erotic theater! Ah, I enjoy it immensely, a ribald and bawdy occasion for which there is much merriment!

I don’t think he necessarily calls Prince an asshole in that story which is embellished for storytelling purposes. If anything, Kevin Smith comes across as the asshole. And, if you’re judging Prince by one Kevin Smith anecdote, then you’re the asshole.

i mean the woman is obviously mentally disturbed BUT she also seems like a witch who knows what is up. If you are going to use black magic ALWAYS use it to curse penises is my motto. Don’t waste black magic on trivial shit. Just penis cursing and waffle making. OMINOUS WAFFLE MAKING.