We Scots fellas are also emotionally repressed. Until we have a drink. Then people just wish we were emotionally repressed.
We Scots fellas are also emotionally repressed. Until we have a drink. Then people just wish we were emotionally repressed.
I love, love, love this cover of Uninvited. BTW, the singer has amazing teeth.
Nice post. A quicker version of the argument might be that highly intelligent parents are more likely to have an autistic child*, and most geniuses throughout history exhibit traits associated with the spectrum so GEE MAYBE IT HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH THAT.
I’m going to just repost what I said yesterday over on Gawker’s article. I’ve highlighted the part that any anti-vaxxer reading this should pay close attention to.
Yeah, see this is precisely why I will bite the bullet and vote for Hillary come November. I think there’s a moral imperative at play here, where there are a lot of vulnerable people who may not weather the storm of a Trump presidency. It is our job (the people of privilege) to do as little damage as possible in the…
@Guillermo: One of the worst feelings is when you’re the one who picked the movie and everybody is obviously hating it. Sighing and squirming and giving you in the dark side eye.
Donald Trump thanks you for your support. Enjoy your privilege!
Screw this guy. You know what I did while my wife was away on important business this weekend? I cleaned the kitchen within an inch of its life, did 5 loads of laundry and cooked the best goddamn BBQ chicken on this side of the Mississippi. Thats how you fill a power void, motherfucker.
That’s why I prefer Arizona over Georgia. It’s the dry hate.
A few things.
Must be nice to believe in Heaven.
It’s a simple explanation. You take string theory and you mix that with a healthy knowledge of thermodynamics. Now take out any equations involving electromagnetic field theory because they’ll just confuse you and you’ll add that back in later anyway. Carry the 4. Add in the speed of light but minus pi and multiply…
When I first got ill when I was 12 or 13, I got very very agoraphobic, I didn’t leave the house for a year, being in the front yard gave me terrible anxiety attacks. After that year my big sister got me to take a xanax and go for short rides with her. Just around the block, then to my grams 5 minutes away, then 10…
I bet you his “fucking face” is even worse.
As a food scientist, I can tell you that sex is extremely important in food preparation. It’s not a matter of gender; it’s entirely biological. A few science facts:
Remember kids: Black Lives Matter is a bunch of whiners who are looking for reasons to be offended. The real oppression is a lack of Christmas iconography on your coffee cups.
“There I was, enjoying a light repast at the Applebuddies club, engaging in a fine and stimulating discussion of Amanda McKittrick Ros’s brilliant use of simile and metaphor, when suddenly what should assault my ears but some jenny foreigner defiling the rarefied air of our great nation with her native tongue! Well I…
So glad there is a place to discuss my theories. Brooks was ready to lie about cancer and Vicki was in on it. He even tried it out on Brianna once, and she didn’t buy it. Vicki thought Brooks’s cancer story would give her the dominant storyline in the show - everyone paying attention to her, and everyone else’s…
I had to share this with someone. My BFF was talking about the interview today. First, she called Leah “Some crazy lady” I said “You mean Leah Remini who’s been an actress forever, King of Queens etc? And, before we continue this conversation are you actually going to take a pro-Scientology stance because we can just…
Me too, but I really liked Diane Keaton’s kitchen in (scrolls up to look) Something’s Gotta Give.