
Yeahhhh, it is never a good idea to include someone who hates your fiance — and called you up to tell you! — in your wedding party. You’re, like, triple-dog daring them to keep their mouth shut through a lot of celebrating and task mastering. I don’t care what facade she’s putting up now, there’s a better chance than

And? Having the ability to reproduce doesn’t make you somehow more mature and more capable of critical thinking? It just means your balls have dropped.

Oh man. I’m a little bit older than Chrissie and I grew up with that same bullshit, victim-blaming message drilled into my head — and boy was it drilled into us. I got over it. Fwiw, I was also raped (back in the 80s) and I tried really hard to blame myself, but my therapist wouldn’t let me get by with that.

Chrissy Hynde, I doubt you’re reading this, wasn’t your fault.

Oh, they aren’t responsible, they’re just objects. The brother ruined another family’s property, so now his family’s property should be ruined.

Why do we have to say she looks younger as the compliment? I mean 60 can look like anything. So can 70. Or 80.

I am an avid reader. Like, I DEVOUR books. I learn so many cool things while reading, and I’m all about escaping my own reality for a little while (without the help of drugs, since I get drug tested frequently for my job). Is anyone else like this? And if so, what have you learned from reading? I have learned, at a

I am 6o-err-ish, and have let my hair go gloriously gray (seriously, it’s awesome). I’ll get a little mild flirt every once in a while, but nothing, NOTHING, is ever going to make up for the guy running the estate sale who said “Whaddya think, MeeMaw?” as I pondered a leather chair with ottoman.

Oh I am so, so happy that you wrote this. I read the original article and just laughed and laughed and laughed. Ah, such happy times! As a not unattractive 47 year old woman, not only am I invisible to men, but I’m also invisible to employers, employees, advertisers, clothing designers, TV and movie

Now this is the movie I’m looking forward to. I have read the book 3 times and I am super excited about it.

I’ve posted this here before so forgive the repetition. A note written by her husband of 56 years days before he died. Every time I see the graciousness and humanity in Ms. Ginsburg, I think of this note. He truly was her counterpart. Her rock, her love and her biggest supporter. I also have tears well up every time.

Now playing

If the timing doesn’t work on the video, relevant section is 10:10-11:00

“Everyone, we’re doing that again. We’re going to do it again until you get it fucking right. If I don’t see the appropriate amount of twee, my security detail will break your goddamn legs. Stop crying, Sheeran, and put on this red jacket.”

I love dem long snouts.

I’m currently in IL and surrounded by corn! Kiiara where are you?

I predict that this song will be used on So You Think You Can Dance.