beat me to it, have spam star.
beat me to it, have spam star.
“come in after we’d shut down ... ask for a discount because they “couldn’t get what they wanted””
Hasn’t Pizza Hut (i know, i know) been doing basically this for decades as ‘breadsticks’?
They should have had you design the Iron Throne.
Canada here. They’re all over Ontario, but the flavor selection tends to be minimal, four max, and frequently two of those are the same.
“tacos and slurpies”
From orbit, where possible.
Huh... “i’ll have a Whopper trio with a side taco”... i’m not sure exactly how, but i expect culture to turn ‘side taco’ into something dirty in the next thirty minutes.
Jenga is ALWAYS appropriate.
Damn. I think I need to do exactly that now.
They win.
Can confirm, tho rare, this is a thing.
Is it bad that i really really want him to use Worf?
It’s a Star Trek script.
Now i want someone to reproduce the complete works of Quentin Tarantino in Klingon.
aka “Bonus round” and “One more for good luck”. :)
Won’t work with tv unless you know the show well enough to say something like ‘tv off after Dora solves one more puzzle’ or ‘tv off after Marshall defies physics and death one more time’.
And then there’s this (from the Court of Appeal decision)...
Usually it’s barely breakfast.