
“Even worse is when they snatch your nearly empty beer or mixed drink which you had planned on finishing.”


I understood that reference.

Anyone know a way to get this if you’re already an audible member?

Anyone know a way to get this if you’re already an audible member?

““The universal ‘check please?’ hand signal” - Please tell me you’re not talking about drawing a check symbol in the air with your hand? You might as well just be snapping to get their attention...”

Ontario here, have the biscuits and the all day McGriddles. You need to move to better part of Canada. :)

The Australian fries look like a failed Canadian poutine. Come on Australia, we don’t try to one up Vegemite or koalaburgers...

Fun read.

30% if there's costumes involved.

There is a basic rule that you do not ask anyone any question you do not actually want the answer to.

Seriously doubt it.

“Maisie Williams has New Mutants coming up,"  ...I wouldn't bet money on that ever seeing a movie theater screen.

I would bet if they ever release that New Mutants horror movie thing, it will outdo this for crap opening.

“People who would stop getting a table and eating AT the restaurant if they could not get delivery from them. I don’t think many of those people exist.”


It was fun. I stumbled on the premiere and ended up watching the whole season. Coverage after the show strongly suggested the winner was picked before the show even began, the whole thing was very much an attempt to reboot interest in INXS (hee) with said winner (so not a real competition, just a fake ‘story’), and it

“Carriorrrsssssssss.... come out to ppaaaAAAAAaaaaaaayyyyy....”

“...4am... an ice cream truck, weaving back and forth on her deserted street...past her place and into the darkness.

Rockstar: INXS.

“Waaarrrriorrrrrssss.... come out to paaaaAAAAaaaaaaay..”