The Hulk is frequently controllable in comic lore, as well as possibly the most powerful thing in the Universe.
The Hulk is frequently controllable in comic lore, as well as possibly the most powerful thing in the Universe.
Damon Lindelof is an admitted atheist. Definitely not a creationist. Do you really think an actual Creationist would write a movie suggesting that Jesus Christ was an alien?
Yeah, I agree. It's pretty much nonsense. Not even a little bit excited by this one.
Actually after seeing the trailer, that description is very misleading. It's set like 20 years after some massive EMP goes off and fries all of our electronics is all. Though why people couldn't just make more, and decided to stay in the Stone Age for 20 years is a totally different bit of nonsense.
Yeah, I'm with you on that. He's not without fault, but I'm generally pleased with the work he has done on Avengers. And in general. His dialogue just feels very real to me.
That is both fascinating history trivia, and totally adorable.
Or even understand the thing he is mocking in slightest.
The more I think about it, he does have the perfect look for Fandral... I can see why he'd be asked for the role.
Yeah I agree with you. I'm a fan of hers, but not sure about this. The rhythm is... odd.
I just spit my coke all over my desk bursting out laughing. Thanks!
Ha. Yeah. I do know that feeling. I get that way for sidequests and such. Especially in Final Fantasy games.
They have had votes before, it's been closed but never passed. Basically the majority of the population are content with the situation as it stands. They don't pay federal taxes, but they don't really get a say in what we do. A friend of mine from Puerto Rico says that there are bigger pushes from the youth to become…
Not me. When I play Skyrim I pick around five skills to use almost exclusively. As the game goes on I may add or drop a few as I tweak my character, but I never use more than say 5-8 skills on a single character. It forces me to approach the game from different angles than I would normally. My default character is…
Okay, you've got me on a couple of these. But alot of these things I don't consider plot holes. And much of this info can be pieced together by us using what we do know.
Exactly. I love that movie. Love it. I watched it dozens of times when I was younger, but honestly some of the dialogue is cringe inducing now it is so steeped in the 80's.
I'm not saying it can't. I was referring to Ms. Newitz review. Particularly,
Oh yeah. I definitely thought the same thing.
I do agree that her scene where she calls him Father felt forced and a bit obvious even. But I suppose they felt they needed to definitively state their relationship for the audience.
I really enjoyed the film in general. It is definitely not an Alien movie though.
Okay, I have a question regarding Noah. I watched a movie about a year ago with Kevin Spacey called Casino Jack. It's the story of Jack Abramoff scamming a bunch of Indian tribes. He's basically a really big dick. Anyway, in a couple scenes he has meetings with a few different movie producers to pitch a film. I am…