

Go Bean Dip! 

Season 1 had, IMO, one of the most harrowing and best takes on the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic of anything else that I’ve seen. I feel like people are going to turn to that episode in the future to get a picture of what March/April 2020 were really like. Season 2, as much as I enjoyed it, was never going to

You can appreciate media without glorying the authors. Lovecraft’s stories are great and its fine that it continues to inspire new authors.

please dowd don’t hurt em

The problem here is with the BBC. The BBC inherently has zero interest in Doctor Who, but keeps doing it because it makes money. You’d think they would like money and the fact that they can license the show to other countries (like with HBO Max), but RTD wrote extensively in The Writer’s Tale about how he had to

Sprague the Whisperer is taking notes!

My favorite part about it is when the council is making the first laws of the island and “mutant shall not kill mutant” is thrown out as the obvious first law, only for Apocalypse to say “Why?  It’s hard to hold someone accountable for killing a person who shows up again a week later.”

Well... that’s the show of the year for me. What a beautiful ending and, after the brilliance of The Leftovers, I truly can’t wait to see what Lindelof does next. Say what you want about Lost, but he has been knocking it out of the park with his HBO shows.

Bold choice on Abrams part, because if Episode IX follows the narrative path of Episode VIII (which regardless of personal feelings, it should, otherwise what was the point), it’s going to look like he’s trying to distance himself from his own product.

The sad thing is at this point the only attitude I have left is ‘good or bad I just can’t wait for this to be fucking over so it will be easier to ignore the people bitching about it’ which, even with the prequels, is never a point I thought I’d hit with Star Wars.

I mean, Abrams is a hack so of course he'll throw shade at the best Star Wars movie since 1981.

I’m reading Black Leopard, Red Wolf now and it took me a lil while but I’m completely into it. I feel like it might make a better series than movie, though, but I haven’t even finished it so what do I know.

That ass was his though right? Cause damn

The point is that the Dr. knows that gun is there but can’t move because he doesn’t move, the only reason he knows it’s there is because he’s going to be shot by it.

I wouldn’t trust many people to pull off an ending, but I trust the guy who did “The Book of Nora” wholeheartedly.

Recklessly, Manhattan began dating a 16-year-old girl, Laurie (Jean Smart), when she was in crisis. Laurie learned that her real father, The Comedian, attempted to rape her mother, before they got together consensually, and conceived her. She’d been groomed her entire life to replace her mother as a sexualized crime

Basically everything you could possibly want from a Doctor Manhattan episode and an HBO Watchmen episode. It’s brilliantly written, stunningly shot, beautifully scored, and all sorts of other meaningless adjectives.

And then we’ll find out they’re really long-lost brothers, who just happened to grow up in the same orphanage as Doctor Strange, C-3PO and a shape-shifting Loki who was bored and spent three years on Earth as a child.