
I agree with you, but for whatever reason people hate FFXII.

He's not kidding. It's almost overwhelming how much freedom gets thrown in your face after thirty or forty hours of running down a hallway.

What was wrong with Lost Odyssey? That was the best JRPG I've played on a console in years, hands down.

I agree with everything you said there except: The rotating door of party members is a Final Fantasy tradition. FFIV, VI, VII, VIII, IX and XII all use that technique to some degree or another. VI (arguably one of the best FF's ever) was practically built entirely around this concept.

Well, I mean... DA:O ripped their AI system wholesale out of FFXII. It is nearly identical, the only thing coming to mind being that you have to unlock new behaviors as you go in FFXII. I would even go so far as to say that DA's AI is a bit more primitive, because there are so many less options available as conditions

True. That movie was horrible. Interesting about his rights. I think they should cast him, and then just have him make a cameo appearance in every film they do from now on. Just icing some mugger in the background somewhere. I would really like to see a few scenes between him and Cap (or a good fight) akin to

Yeah, I agree. I don't know why people didn't respond to it more. I mean, it was by no means flawless, but it was by far the best version of Frank that has ever appeared on screen.

Wow. Mind blown. I gotta get that Lies That My Teacher Told Me book and find out what all I thought I knew!

Yeah. That really happens. Way too often. An excellent documentary, Jesus Camp, deals with that topic. Not specifically gay camps, but "Christian Training" camps. These places are hardcore. They are indoctrinating children to be fanatical. Even going so far as to have the kids think of themselves as "Christian

He could adopt them, maybe.

Or he could adopt.

Very well said. I could not agree with you more. And civility as well. Nice!

Very well said. I couldn't agree with you more. And so civil too! Even when, unlike most of the internet, this is an issue legitimately worth being heated about.

It's not limited guys. It is what it is. I would rather they hadn't done it either, but there is plenty of good material coming out of it. We all just have to accept it's done and move on, I'm afraid. It's not like DC doesn't have a track record of rebooting their universe over and over again, this time they just

I've been scouring this entire article, every comment, just waiting for someone to mention John Titor. You win the time travel discussion!

Oh man, that movie scared the living shit out of me when I was a little kid. Recently rewatched it, and it was pretty compelling actually. Decent acting, interesting story. Still terrifying when he's on the ship though.

I would advise picking up some of it. Suicide Squad is great, Frankenstein and the Agents of SHADE is great, Aquaman (surprisingly) is great, Justice League is awesome, Batman, Action Comics. Really, don't shy away from the entirety of the line just because they rebooted. There are just as many awesome books now as

But... Average Joe and Average Jane don't give a shit who is gay in comics and who isn't anyway. This is all about the comic crowd.

I don't think Green Lantern is considered to have been in "limbo" lately. I'm pretty sure it's one of DC's top selling books, hence the decision not to upset the continuity with the reboot.

In addition to what everyone else has mentioned, I will point out that the American Government was also definitely up to no good in The Avengers.