
It's really great. I just started catching up myself, and was a bit skeptical initially. But it is really solid story telling and character development, it's not afraid to make big changes (the current season is radically different from the first), and it's not just the kids. The Justice League are just as much a part

I would say that the problem with Bugs Bunny is that he much too wascally.

I would say he is pretty well portrayed in Young Justice. Both Dick and Tim are in there, and are pretty accurate I think. As for on film versions... I don't think it translates well. Or at least, no studio has the balls to do it properly.

See above comment to GamerKT.

Yeah I recently found out about this as well, which made me feel horrible when I recalled my friend John's barmitzvah where his mother led all of us in three cheers of hip hip hooray!

I've got to agree. I just started watching Young Justice and I am loving that show. Especially their version(s) of Robin.

Could not have said it better myself, my (I assume) Xenogears loving friend.

Hearted, my friend. Well spoken.

Not to mention, if it explodes The Doctor will have to reboot the universe again.

That makes more sense. Thanks. You and Quothmark are the only people to explain this to me logically. But that brings up an interesting question as well. At some point, Blizzard is going to set up their auction house and it'll be for real cash money and everything. When Pirates set up to emulate that, how does that

Thank you. That's the first time anyone has actually explained the reasoning here. That makes quite a bit more sense now that I know all that. I still feel like people with find ways to exploit the game or dupe items or whatever, though I suppose it will be a much more difficult task on server.

That's just... like... your opinion, man!

How about instead of just letting exploits leak into their online game, they just fix the code so those exploits don't work? Why does having an Offline Mode have any effect whatsoever on the Multiplayer Game? I'm genuinely curious, because I just don't follow your logic.

I just really don't see how having a totally separate offline-only option would affect the multiplayer or online aspect of the game even in the slightest. Who cares what hackers dupe or whatever in their own little offline worlds? Just don't allow that sort of behavior on the servers. And don't allow characters in

Cannonball's brother wasn't promptly ignored. His death was a major storyline in Uncanny around the mid-2000's. Dr. Reis you are 100% right about, though.

Jagged Alliance 2 with the community made 1.13 patch is one of the finest turn-based strategy games ever made. The depth is astounding.

Tim is definitely attracted to Cassie in the New 52 Teen Titans. Several comments have been made about how hot she is, mostly to himself. None about how dreamy Superboy is... yet.

The entire universe was retconned. Some people were going to be shuffled around. And honestly, this version of him is much better suited for JLA. He is way more powerful than he used to be. He's half Mother Box for Highfather's Sake!

I'm with you, brother! Preach it! Solo should be available to the masses! THE MASSES!!!

Okay. That makes sense actually. I can definitely see John being bi.