Not sure if any of it counts as canon or anything, but Cryptic's Star Trek Online is set in the original universe, but after the destruction of Romulus and Remus and the disappearance of Spock and Nero. So, someone at least is still using it.
Not sure if any of it counts as canon or anything, but Cryptic's Star Trek Online is set in the original universe, but after the destruction of Romulus and Remus and the disappearance of Spock and Nero. So, someone at least is still using it.
Yeah... I was confused there as well... I -think- the article is implying that Relic could have made THQ it's own valuable ip if they had been given the chance to work on something other than Warhammer. Personally, I think the Dawn of War games were some of the best games produced by THQ in years. Space Marine was…
ZING! Well played... well played.
Really? I love Damien. He's smart and funny and learning to be a hero. Plus it was time to let Tim grow up... not that they did that, seeing as how he seems to be in charge of the Teen Titans these days, but whatever.
I completely agree... watching this trailer my reaction was "Oh wow. It's a GI Joe movie." I think it may be fun.
I can't believe I am bothering to point out plot points from GI Joe... ugh... In the end of the first movie it was shown that Zartan (the shapeshifter dude) had replaced the President somehow. I am pretty sure they did not explain how. I don't really remember. The whole movie is kind of like a fever dream. I barely…
You're right. It's vastly more compelling than Melville.
All the reasons you named are exactly why I felt it didn't at all live up to the name Final Fantasy. I think it was a decent RPG, but an awful FF game. I hated the junction system. It required a serious amount of grinding just to make sure you had the spells to boost your stats. Plus, it discouraged actually using…
Wow. Yeah. That is a good piece. I never beat that game. It just seemed to drag on for me. I really wanted to love it though... Oh well, here's more Black Mages for people to enjoy!
Not to mention The Black Mages!
Actually, in Japan the Age of Consent is 13. This varies from prefecture to prefecture, but the national standard is 13. So... no. The characters are not under age. Maybe by our standards, but not by theirs. And, as far as the actress is concerned, I believe she is 23. If I have found info on the correct porn…
Actually Namor was first identified as a mutant in 1964 in X-Men #6. Long before the debuts of Apocalypse, or even Wolverine. Magneto even tried to recruit him into the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. In the House of M storyline, he has a museum dedicated to him as being the First Known Mutant. So in universe, both…
Same here, with the occasional addition of A Mars Volta to your list.
Maybe 613? Somebody needs to ask Brian Braddock. He probably knows.
That is an awesome, awesome story. You made my day a little brighter.
Hell yes! ROM is back in the spot light these days... sort of. I'm pretty sure he did pop up in Avengers recently.
No... he used titular correctly... "The titular John" or "John, who is referred to in the title". That's correct.
No, that's not what I am suggesting at all. And thanks for being so polite.
I think a few of them (Namorita, the fat guy, some other no name types) did die in Civil War. But yeah, Most of them were still alive and reformed just before Secret Invasion started.
That's just powergaming though. Of course the difficulty gets broken if you go out of your way to make yourself an unstoppable tank. Just don't exploit things and the game is a delight.