Is it? It's legal to own a rom of Super Mario Bros if you own a hard copy of Super Mario Bros. Why should PSP games be different?
Is it? It's legal to own a rom of Super Mario Bros if you own a hard copy of Super Mario Bros. Why should PSP games be different?
Beat me to the punch.
I would say that borrowing a game from your friend, playing it until you're done with it, and never actually purchasing it is also piracy. That's why there are FBI warnings in front of movies on DVD (and once upon a time VHS) telling you specifically not to do that.
Yeah, Spider-Man is definitely not considered a mutant, though many common folk think he is one. Especially in Ultimate. And maybe Miles Morales is a mutant? No clue. Haven't read any of that stuff yet...
Nope. OP is referring to Mandrakk the Monitor who was killed by Superman before coming back after the death of Darkseid and the destruction of the Multiverse. -Then- somehow all of the Supermen from all 52 universes showed up (including Barack Obama), along with the Zoo Crew, the Super Young Team and the Green Lantern…
Really? Adrian Fahrenheit Tepes? I'll be. Learn something new every day.
I have also heard in various stories that they will always stop to tie a loose bit of string into a knot. Which is -super- OCD. It's so OCD I don't even get it.
I agreed with everything you said until that last sentence... Portal 2? Worse? Really? I thought it was brilliant. It wasn't as mind-blowing, because our minds had already been blown by the same thing prior... but it was amazing. I dunno.
It's definitely a win/win for Blizzard/Activision. But what about those of us who have no desire to play online with others/use their auction house/use real money trading?
That is awesome that your town gives away Wi-Fi, but in America that is not the case at all. Having quality internet connection is a big issue in my city (Savannah, GA) as we only have about three choices of provider, all of which screw you over consistently. We certainly don't get it just for living here. Even now,…
Hey! Did Boardwalk Empire get into time travel or something this season? I only missed a few...
I'm gonna have to agree with you there, Ugg.
Thing is... Colossus was always weak against mental attacks anyway... Why didn't he ever get Chuck to make him a helmet? You'd think they would have learned something from the fifty billion times they had to pry that dome off Old Man Marko's head! For that matter, why don't they make Psi Defense helmets for everyone…
Nah. I disagree with that. The morality is still there, it's just not as blatantly spelled out. The character and story progression has definitely taken center stage, but the Heroes still do the Hero thing every time.
It is called A Christmas Story, and is a wonderful family film. They play it for 24 hours every Christmas on TBS I believe. Worth checking out. Sometimes you can catch stage productions of it as well.
That plot sounds ten times cooler than the new Superman's plot. Just the choice of Bizarro alone would be awesome. Somebody handling the Superman film franchise needs to grow some balls and do something cool!
Those aren't the same thing. Sam Jackson and Morgan Freeman are, granted, huge draws. But neither of them are leads on their own. Eddie Murphy? Maybe in the eighties, but he's a joke now. And Tyler Perry is totally niche. He is not at all mainstream, despite the ludicrous amount of bank he makes.
I don't find that too hard to believe. In Hollywood's mind, only Will Smith and/or Denzel Washington is capable of carrying a film without a white co-star.
*slow clap* One of my favorite quotes from my favorite movie of all time. Thank you.