
Awesome article. Very well written. Thanks.

I didn't mean to talk down to you. I am genuinely concerned. I do think we should challenge authority and question the system, but jumping from healthy skepticism of those in charge to "Facebook is a government plot to collect everyone's identity on file" is drastic. What evidence do you have to back that up? I can't

Lol. I can't remember the exact scene, and I can't find it on YouTube anywhere. But I believe it is one of the final fights in the movie, with the Nomak character. It's in a ring shaped room, and they do crazy highwire vampire wrestling. Blade even does a vertical suplex on the dude at one point. I didn't care for it.

That was so sad. Damn Zach Galifinakis in that film! Damn him!!!

Too much pro wrestling for my taste.

I used to think he was so goofy on Malcolm in the Middle, but he regularly blows me away on Breaking Bad (which I am only on season 2). I can't believe such an amazingly talented actor/director was hiding out inside of Malcolm's Dad.

Yeah, I agree. I used to play DDO and LOTR Online, and stopped awhile ago. But these days I feel like I get e-mails from Turbine every other week talking about new patches and content updates for both those games. City of Heroes is the same way.

You honestly believe that Facebook is a government conspiracy to collect photos of every citizen? That's some genuine paranoia my friend. It must be scary to live in your world. I've got something that will blow your mind. Google "itanimulli". Or even just go to itanimulli.com. Enjoy!

I think you really misunderstand the Healthcare laws. It mandates that corporations provide insurance to their employees. That's it. They aren't selling anything that the Government owns. I wish they would! Government provided healthcare is how most civilized countries do it to great effect. Instead the Healthcare

Why thank you sir/ma'am!

You guys just combined two of my most favorite things. Heart!

Who was supposed to be his daughter on BoP? The Huntress I would assume... weird that they would go with that back story choice for her.

Well that Is good to know! By the way, you totally inspired me to go and finally play through Fate of Atlantis. I am enjoying it immensely.

Thanks everyone! I will definitely check it out tomorrow. The Hulu bit is great news. I love that website.

But what else do you know about Indy?

That is the most badass Librarian art I have ever seen! My first exposure to Discworld was an old Playstation 1 game called, natch, Discworld. I loved that game so much, even though I couldn't solve any of the ridiculously illogical puzzles at such a young age. But man, the Librarian probably smacked me on the head 3

One thing we have to keep in mind: Anna Torv is Rupert Murdoch's neese. I suspect that has helped the show somewhat.

Yep. The third book just released last month actually. I am someone who is a huge Oz fan, but has never read or seen anything Wicked related. Being heavily involved in theater, I have many friends who are just the opposite and think of Wicked as Oz canon. It drives me nuts. Absolutely nuts.

Ah! Right! That is a much better fit for Liam Neeson. I was confused.

I don't think that's entirely fair. The dude loves superheroes. He's just kind of twisted and is a bit more interested in the villains I think. And the film versions of Wanted and Kick-Ass both differ drastically from their comic book counterparts.