
Oh and as for Nemesis, I agree. I don't see Liam Neeson in that part, especially considering who Nemesis actually is at the end and all that. But he can definitely play a badass when he needs to, as evidenced in Taken.

Sure. Why not? We like anal sex over here in the States... or at least I thought we did. I do! I'll have to check with Congress.

Oh yeah. For sure. I am not one of those folks who falls into that trap. I still play NES games on occasion if they were good. Hell, my laptop is filled to the brim with emulation software for everything from NES to PS2/XBOX.

Hmm. Perhaps I never gave it enough of a chance. I quit fairly early on. I will see if I can't dig my copy out of storage and give it another go. Once I wrap up Skyward Sword, natch.

As someone who is suffering from depression at the moment, I can honestly say that Skyward Sword does wonders to help alleviate those feelings while I play it. Skyrim, on the other hand, seems to intensify them. Maybe it's all the snow...

Just because that dude was being lame killing a dragon via archery while it glitched out does not mean that there are no intense battles in Skyrim. Believe me. Dragons are quite formidable for awhile, and then the Elder Dragons and Giants fill their roles very nicely. And the Chaurus... god. They still give me

I can't wrap my head around why people loved Majora's Mask so much. It is, in my opinion, easily the worst of the worst of Zelda games. The whole time limit thing and having to replay things over and over again really threw me off. I couldn't stand it. Could anyone elaborate on what made it so enjoyable to them?

Well then, to be honest, you haven't experienced that game at all.

Really? I wholeheartedly disagree. So far, it seems to be the most challenging Zelda to date. I have never been killed by an early boss fight, but the first encounter with Ghirahim whooped my ass several times. I actually had to slow shit down and learn to fight.

They frequently do.

I would also recommend Silent Storm and Silent Storm Sentinels. A nifty game I stumbled across recently for very cheap. Very much like a WWII Sci-Fi Jagged Alliance. Awesome stuff. And it works fine on Win7 as well.

I mean... the original game is like ninety percent farms... I quite like the idea of better graphics in my Men in Black simulators.

I think 4E went with a more video gamey style of play. Steamlined the character customization quite a bit; gave everyone Named Super Moves; amped up the power levels quite a bit on all starting characters. Personally I think it's great, especially for DMs as lots of things were simplified on that end. I also think it

Now playing

Well, since he covered Violent Femmes once before, it may just happen...!

That would be so awesome... I can't even imagine it. But you nailed the casting.

Yeah. I think that was heavily implied in the film. That one was never a mystery to me.

Thanks. That sounds fun. I'll have to track that one down.

I will definitely agree that the above cover is not his best work, but generally I think Alex Ross is pretty solid. I wouldn't want him to be the regular artist on JLA or anything, but I really enjoyed his work on various covers and Mini-series, Kingdom Come especially. Justice had some great images as well. I think

What was this from? The series that spawned Amalgam Comics or whatever? I'm sure it wasn't from JLA/Avengers...

Hahaha. Fair enough. I only have the very first Restoration spell. And I made the mistake of rapidly advancing my Enchantment skill for like four solid levels, so the monsters really knock the shit out of me these days. So I do find myself burning through health potions in Skyrim. I need to do some Restoration