
I've got to agree... every single female anchor on the channel (with the exception of Greta Van Susternenenen or whatever) is a carbon copy of one another. Very blond, big tits, quite dumb. It's almost like a Miss America pageant, except with only white people.

Any time, friend. Any time.

Well if it will make you feel better...

Hahaha. Well said and well thought out- especially #3, that cracked me up. I'm always up for a little bit of Uwe Bolle bashing. You beat me fair and square. Always stay yourself, John Hazard. One of my favorites.

A few counterpoints.

To your Warhammer 40K Total War idea: Fuck yes!

Yes. That's another excellent point. The Emancipation Proclamation was actually used as a war strategy to large degree. The Union hoped to cause uprisings (and succeeded), and attract fleeing slaves into the army, who incidentally were always put on the very front lines of battle as actual meat shields for the white

No, I certainly understand the point you are making there. And yes, many slave owners did think of their slaves as nothing more than a resource, but I think @PathRifter 's original point was that it's all perspective. We associate the Confederates with slavery, but nearly every single one of America's "Founding

Comparing the disenfranchised Confederate forces, attempting to have a revolution over what they saw as grave injustices, to the Nazi war machine is a bit of a stretch though. The Confederates were primarily concerned with States Rights, as mentioned above. Slavery was a hot button issue, but even some of the southern

M-Day is what the citizens of the Marvel Universe refer to the events of House of M as. Since it was a whole altered reality situation, most people have no knowledge of what happened. To them, all the mutants just stopped having powers in the blink of an eye. That's M-Day. House of M is the story explaining how that

Thanks Nexus. You just made my night. Love me some Del!

I always thought it meant Puppets with movable mouths.

Well said, sir. I cede to you. I agree.

Well I'll be damned. Who knew?

ZING! You just burned the shit out of that franchise!

Lost Odyssey was fantastic. Check it out if you haven't. I do believe it is a 360 exclusive however, so that may be a problem.

XIII was most certainly running on a modified version of ATB. It wasn't real time at all, it just felt that way because you were allowed to move and the ATB Gauge speed was incredibly sped up after a while. It really wasn't all that different from any other game's system, except for the fact that your other party

I personally enjoyed X much much more than XII. Hell, X-2 was much much better than XII in my opinion. But IX, well that's my favorite FF to date.

The Friday date is the official release, which is more or less just a way to tell the companies such as Kotaku, GamePro, IGN, etc. that they are now allowed to review the game.

I really enjoyed Dreamcatcher too, until the end when it turned into a Superhero fight between two crazy aliens or some shit... Such a drastic change from the ending to the book which actually made a lot of sense, and wrapped things up well.