
I've never seen it. Based off these two clips, I'm going to rent it post haste. Thanks guys!

That is an excellent point. I never bothered to see Bridge to Terabithia for years. It seemed like just what you say, bland fantasy action geared towards children. I recently caught it on Encore one day while I was sick, and I openly wept at that movie. Excellent film.

Is that right? News to me! Well good, even if (and probably when) the movie turns out to be garbage there will be an awesome soundtrack to buy.

I never made the connection that she was in Into the Wild until just now. Wow. You're right, that was a great role for her. And I also agree that she was good in Summerland. She fit the role well.

Yep. I completely agree. She is a significantly better actress than Stewart, and much more beautiful to boot.

While I totally agree with you, that's not really viable in a review sense. Fun is a totally abstract concept, and what is fun to you or I may not be someone else's cup of tea, so to speak.

I could not agree with that paragraph more.

I think the disguise is more complex than that. It's more the attitude of the man. "Bruce Wayne" comes across as such a total douche to the common man who meets him that there is no way that you could possibly imagine that guy would be the Batman. And considering the way that most people (DCU residents) perceive of

I suspect he does use this tactic or at least have it set up as a contingency plan for while he is in Metropolis or Star City or Keystone or whatever. There's always Matches Malone, though he may get arrested if he used that one...

Hahahaha! You kill me, slaw! Hearted!

Really? I always thought it was an elaborate, heavily detailed plan myself, but now that you say that it kind of makes sense... I have to reevaluate my life!

No, you can run it on 32 as well, but it is very intense for the computer.

Yeah, I agree with you. I don't think defeating Aku was ever really in the cards for poor Jack.

Meh... a little bit, as it samples parts of the various reviews. But it's nothing we haven't heard before if you have been following the game's development.

You have some fair points there. But still, your experience with the Oakland protests is not indicitive of the movement as a whole. You can't generalize the entire group, which is now growing into tens if not hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. The violence and disorder is just and unfortunate side effect of

No. Of course. You're right. Political protest and public demonstrations have never changed anything in history. Ever.

You have a loose grasp of the concept of "tyranny", friend. Protests aren't supposed to be pleasant. That's kind of the point right? Also, what solution exactly are you referring to? I haven't heard one viable solution to the current situation yet, from the left or the right. So, I am curious as to how the protesters

Well played, sir. Well played.

I thought it was a decent Silent Hill story, but the plot was nonexistent compared to a proper film. Visually I dug it, but beyond that it didn't offer much. Plus it contradicted the first game, didn't it?

You, sir, are the American Dream. And I for one think that is pretty awesome. Congratulations on life!