
Hey! Hey was a badass in X-Force! And had a much better costume to boot! He even saved the day a time or two.

They can't really. Fox was too scared to reboot it. Hence Hugh Jackman popping up in First Class. They forced Vaughan to tie it into the previous series.

?? Limits gameplay options? I mean... I guess it kind of tones down the weapons available... but that was not a problem in San Andreas or Vice City in my mind. Even less of a problem in LA Noire and RDR.

They already missed the boat. They should have set RDR in the GTA universe. Marston should have come from Liberty City on that train... New York? Pssh. I was honestly disappointed.

Hahaha. Dude. Awesome. I had Stumbled On it a few weeks ago, and read a good bit of it already, and I enjoyed it quite a bit. Then I forgot all about it. Now I can catch up. Good stuff. Keep up the good work.

Yeah, you may actually be dead... It's not a bad trade though I would think. I need to know:Why are you the Steven Moffat of webcomics? Link please!

You got me too. The instant you said Allons-y. It's like watching The Doctor do a Let's Play! Yes, please!

The people at Fox Studios only have the loosest concept of continuity. I wouldn't think to hard about it. Just assume every new film is the cannon one, and completely ignore any details they presented to you in prior films.

It seems to me like in the article they kind of dance around the fact that no one actually made that complaint. They seem to be basing it solely on achievements, which is A)totally fucking ridiculous, and B) completely flawed since if people *only* play offline, I suspect the achievements don't even register with

Loved that show. It's when I first noticed the genius of Gary Cole.

Yeah I agree. It's just Fables put through the old Disney wringer.

Yeah me too. I went through about half the episode thinking Emma Swan was Snow... It's kind of freaky.

Also... It's Facebones people! Whooooo! I love that guy!

Aaaaaand, for the record, you are correct sir. Thanks for the tip. It made my day!

You know, I was about to hit play, but now you've convinced me wait until a bit later until after my "guy" comes by...

That is actually a very good idea. At least it's something I would probably watch. I can't speak for the others, as all my favorite shows get cancelled!

Heated, Weapon X. I thought the Punisher Flower Delivery Guy was a good show. Silver Surfer would be my new favorite! Count me in on the investors list when you get up and running, sir!

I feel the same way.

Ha. Yeah. I remember a few kids pronounced Guile as Gully. I couldn't fathom that one at all. Then again, these were the same kids who tried to tell people that there was a secret move where Guile could pull his gun out and kill you with one hit.

I completely agree with you, and I don't even play MMOs! The only place that term should be used is in Toon Town Online!