They did use "Fauxlivia" on the show though, so I think that's the official one.
They did use "Fauxlivia" on the show though, so I think that's the official one.
Everything I thought I knew just got flipped. This is a game changer. Downloading now.
Yep, Nightcrawler's father, official honest-to-goodness demon, and excellent Denzel Washington/John Goodman impersonator as seen in the docu-drama Fallen.
Dr. Who has always had it's fair share of running. I think it's a bit of a joke at this point.
I've got to agree. I've been totally against this film since I heard the cast list, but if I can just separate my fanboy and take it for what it is... This movie might be kind of bad ass.
I agree on all those counts except one, and vehemently. X-Men 2 was so much better than that nonsense that was the first X-Men movie. It was like they made an entire movie about Wolverine and Rogue, and then when they were going to write the sequel one of the writers was like "Oh hey, did you guys know they made…
Charlie is correct. Also, in the comics at least, Azazel and Mystique are Kurt's parents.
@resvrgam: I dunno. They really aren't invisible. They're transparent, and tough to see, but it's not impossible. And you can hear them coming, if you know what you're listening for.
@FlirtySanchez: I would say the less anthropomorphic an alien is, the more "plausible" it is.
@Interstella5555: Weird. I had totally forgotten this one, but now I clearly remember the Math Police bits.
@Interstella5555: Amazing. I actually saw Rockapella live once at a free Georgia Tech show on a whim. They made a big deal about how they wouldn't sing this song, because they were "artists" and such. But then, of course, they closed the show with it. Hundreds of people singing the theme song to one of my favorite…
@MonsterMan: No, man. There are still some bugs and such, but SMP damage has been fixed for at least a month now. Check the forums at It gets bug fixes/content updates pretty frequently.
@thethirdchimpanzee: That's going to be tough, I fear. I can't really see how this movie gets made at all without a massive rework. The narrative doesn't fit the framework of a big "Hollywood" movie.
@KaraKaraKara: Yeah, he doesn't seem to care about being half-giant. He rarely ever mentions it at all really.
@TwistedChimp: I LOLed at that. There is so much about that I don't understand. Why would something ever be cricket? Isn't that a sport? What does the word ruddys even mean? Did anyone ever use the word toodle-pip in actual conversation?
@cortexiphansession: That basically sums up the entirety of Dr Who. Adorable in a "___" kind of way.
@Dragoona: Well, that was terrible, delightful, and accurate.
@Chris Paine: Except that show is soooooo bad. And there is no Tardis. I did like the one time travelly episode I saw, but it was no Dr. Who with it's timey-wimey physics, wit and charm.
@SteveZim1017: Yes, I believe that during ComicCon or some such they stated that we would see lots of "Cosmic Artifacts" in Odin's trophy room, or armory.