
@Master_Baker: I think the ideal casting would be Clint Eastwood in Stephen King's body, but I can easily see Mortensen in this role.

@cmoyano: I dunno man. I'm kind of with Shadowdagger on this one. I really liked the plot in the first one, though it was a bit generic, but by the time I finished the second one I was pretty much checked out of the whole thing. It's just kind of lazy to me. I have many other problems with the second game as well, and

@GamerKT: Not trying to imply that he is, mind you, but that's the accent he was going for. :P

@mykalt45: I'm with you all the way dude, but I think we may need to start making our peace with the End Times.

@Makidian: I'll break something with you. I lost in interest in V about three episodes in, despite my love/lust for Juliette... Erm. Elizabeth Mitchell. It's just so boring.

@BestEuphemismEver:Like, he thinks that incest happening ever is a myth? Or he thinks that the concept is a myth? Or that it being wrong is a myth? That's a confusing one.

@SapnaKolling: Get rid of the rpg elements?! What the... Can't we RPG fans have anything anymore? You shooter fans already destroyed Mass Effect, you want to ruin my Fallout too?! Go play the hundred thousand other shooters out there, and just let me keep one good RPG with guns! Just one!

@beandelphiki: No. Nor do they account for DVR or TiVo usage.

@Jerm Deeks: I can spare at least a few bucks.

@MrGOH: Fair point. And I suppose my group of friends all really loving Fringe isn't exactly an empirical test group. I really just want another season of Fringe. At the very least, wrap everything up with a Finale. Fox is infamous for being dicks when it comes to shows I enjoy.

@Signusmelko: I, myself, don't really play MMORPGs, but it seems like WoW is the benchmark for what a "real" one is. Just out of curiosity, what are some that you consider "real?"

@MalcoveMagnesia: I had thought he was in prison, but his Wiki page says he will be Zed in MiB III, as does IMDB. Both of those are dubious sources at best, however, so take that as you will.

@bigdude209: "He more than likely is. While I'm sure Walter doing it once caused a few problems for the other universe, Wallternate (more than likely did some crossover experiments to get Peter back that made things worse. Not to mention the other robot/cyborg he did after afterward."

@MrGOH: You know, I've never understood the ratings system. It donsn't make a bit of sense to me. There's no way for anyone to know what my television is tuned to. Not to mention it's impossible to take into account DVRs, TiVos, Hulu, and DVD sales. I'd be willing to be Fringe is more popular than TV thinks it is.

@Etoiles: Yeah, exactly. Replayability never hurt Zork. Hell, Zork's been getting all mainstream in Black Ops this month, too. Maybe this is the adventure game resurgence I've been waiting for! I would kill for a new Quest For Glory.

@Turlough: Very interesting. What a strange experience that must have been.

@MacGyver1138: You think our 4chan is bad? You should check out RB-748! What a bunch of dicks!