@muteboy: Ah yes. And of course, the legendary Gargantuan Space Squid, the most terrifying beast of all!
@muteboy: Ah yes. And of course, the legendary Gargantuan Space Squid, the most terrifying beast of all!
@RtFusion: It's happening even as we speak!
@B45: Aha! Thanks for the info. Here's hoping Notch gives us a minimap option one day.
@Dr Emilio Lizardo: Well, that would be the Colossal Squid. So, I'm not sure why they did the article on Giant Squid, when Colossal ones are even bigger and scarier! Plus they have giant hooks on their tentacles!
@ceti: Winter is coming!!!
@Venusian: I was about twelve when I first saw the original Rocky Horror. I don't think it screwed me up that badly. Though I do have a thing for alien transexuals... Hmm... On second thought, you're probably right.
@Calcifer (Hawks): Also, not sure how much sense Red Hood would make. Since the whole reason he dons that getup was to remind Bruce of his past failures (i.e. Joker? falling into a vat of acid, Joker killing Jason, crippling Barbara, etc.) I do love some Red Hood though. I haven't seen the animated one yet, anybody…
@KevTehNev: Where do you get a minimap? I'm not sure if I would like to play with one, as I do love getting hopelessly lost, but I would like the option.
@mutedia: Me! I personally, don't care at all about multiplayer. I would rather he kept adding stuff like this until he had it where he wanted it, and then went back and added a MP component after the fact.
@hyperblackchi: Oh hell yes it was.
@Calcifer (Hawks): Hugo Strange would be quite cool, and could very well be our guy I think.
@katgirl476: Yes! You are the first person (other than myself) who wants the Hatter. I think he could be extremely unsettling if done right.
@junior_millenium: How was The Dark Knight at all like the Long Halloween? Other than using the Falcone name, which has been used many places besides TLH.
@AngryFork: I really, really don't think it will be Bane. Tom Hardy will probably play a Fed or something... I could actually see him playing Deadshot quite well, I just don't see how he fits in the Nolanverse.
@Bookdust: Yeah, I agree. It's unfinished.
@Funkmeister: Wow. How did no reviews mention any of this? From what I understood it was a short version of a regular DQ, with multiplayer. That didn't really appeal to me, but the way you describe sounds like just the opposite. An endless version of DQ!
@CubemonkeyNYC: Yeah 360 here too. Maybe PS3 was particularly buggy?
@omgwtflolbbqbye: Yes!!! Is it still Frank Miller and Jim Lee? Will it still take forever to come out? I don't care! I can't wait!
@Brodka: regrettably: Oh! Snap! You reminded me of my addiction. Gotta go play!
@DARTH_TIGRIS: Yeah, you have good points there. I would say that I always felt like Lost had a definite direction that it was taking. (Whether it did or not is up to debate.) The Event just kind of seems like it's scrambling around, trying to create mysteries for the sake of mysteries. I suspect many people said that…