
@omgwtflolbbqbye: Meh... I kinda thought that's what All-Star was supposed to be. Give me more All-Star stuff, DiDio!

@crosis101: Yeah, I totally agree. If I could have hung out with Mr. Wizard (or Bill Nye, or even Beakman) as a kid, I totally would have. And like I said in another reply about this topic, Doc Brown was an insane genius who built a TIME MACHINE!!! Just imagine the crazy experiments that went on in that place from day

@voteforme: Yeah you're right. I actually thought she did say EBs, and then went on to define that as Extraterrestrial Biological Entity, which would not be right. So, thanks io9ers, once again, for clearing that up.

@voteforme: Mmm. Good point. Maybe they chose it specifically as a metaphor for the show itself... Nah, they aren't that clever.

@voteforme: Yeah, no kidding. I just wanna watch more Fringe!

@Dr Emilio Lizardo: On the show she actually claimed to have been a professional journalist who also happened to have a blog. I think the blogger comment was a bit of snark. Justified snark, but still.

@voteforme: I thought the same thing. The scene with Thomas telling Lee he had to leave her, was almost exactly like the scene in Fringe where the Bad-Dude-Whose-Name-I-Can't-Remember-But-It-Doesn't-Matter-Now-Since-He's-Dead was telling his subordinate that he had killed his wife and child for him.

@voteforme: It does seem unnecessarily long-winded. Much like The Event itself.

@Gilese: Also, why does Sean treat her like a complete lunatic? Not two days before this he was in her exact position, screaming at FBI agents that he was being hunted by mysterious people who teleported a plane five hundred miles! But as soon as Mrs. Greystone mentions aliens, he's like "Oh, what a nutcase!"

@Darklighter: If we're going to question the logistics of the "aliens" and their ridiculous plans, we might as well just get off the boat now.

@DARTH_TIGRIS: From the pilot of Lost I was hooked with interesting characters, and unique situations. The Event is just a mash-up of every conspiracy/sci-fi show I've ever seen (including Lost). I don't hate it, I just don't find myself intrigued at all by the "conspiracy" (which really just seems to be three or four

@AgentRayBans: Exactly! I'm certain that was the point of that.

@quantumz: That's true about Forrest Gump... I never thought of it like that before.

@DrZaius: Yes, she totally did.

@crosis101: You just got everything right. Double points for a Meatballs reference.

@simonbarsinister: I often have this discussion with friends. When did it become totally unacceptable to be friends with a child (or in this case a teenager, who is plenty old enough to know to stay away from molestors) who is not yours? And it's a double standard, as this isn't as true for older females. It's mainly

@thebluepill: Me too. Like, at least once a week.

@Bwgmon: @relic1980: And sold it to a used game shop no less! Oh the humanity!

@jesterspawn: "Take Portal, for example, which I believe started as just an interesting weapon mod for HalfLife 2 and ended up being many gamers' favorite story experience of the year. "

@victory23: There was a new one? Was it still Rockstar? The PS2 one was so awesome.