
Man, you people are dumb. Learn to logic.

Comparing releasing a multi-disk game back then to doing the same now is like comparing apples to oranges. Do you have ANY idea how expensive it would be for them to put out a game that takes 4 blu rays?

Let’s just say no matter how many copies they sold, they’d effectively fuck themselves over.

This is ABSOLUTELY for

I get why people are complaining, but at the same time with the ENTIRE GAME being recreated in Unreal Engine 4 this actually makes A LOT of sense for them to do. If they released it all at once without cutting content it’d be well over 200GB, 4+ blu ray discs, etc etc etc.

I’m all for the approach they’re taking, even

All this tells me is that you’ve never played a Bethesda game aside from maybe Skyrim..

This review just about sums up my feelings about the game. I would be more harsh towards it had I purchased it myself rather than having it bought for me in exchange for getting it to run properly on a buddies PC :P

How dare you speak to Master like that?!

Hm... I’ll probably buy the all-in-one pack provided it’s available when I can get to it and I have a 3DS XL again by the time it comes out.

Damn, nice job.

I woke up early just for this, but ended up having to start work early. Wanted to get on afterwards but alas, can’t skip going to the gym. I’ll have to wait till later to play.

The idea, at least in my case, is that having experienced both, I will choose PC every time. 360 version didn’t offer anything over the PC version to make me want to play it with lower performance than pc. I originally just wanted to hunt for the achievements but then decided against it once I realized how tedious it

Throw screenshots my way all you want, screenshots don’t mean a thing. Those screenshots take tons of work to get just right to make it look the way it does, they don’t reflect game play in the slightest.

Unless you’re doing heroic or mythic raiding, most of WoWs raids nowadays are extremely forgiving. You can suck complete ass and still clear content.

It’s different from person. It’s fine for you, and that’s great. I can’t do 30fps locks unless it’s on JRPGs.

I solved this problem by raising my carry weight to 9999 via the console. Is that cheating? Sure is. Do I care? Let’s just say I regret nothing.

Exactly, I spent like 10 hours playing it today and I thought every second of it looked awesome, with the exception for ONE npc that looked kind of terrible, but I might have gotten biased against him because his attitude pissed me off lol.

I feel as the in WoW, the challenge in boss fights comes from simply whether or not you’re an idiot.

(Not you personally, but each player lol)

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, something you seem to need to learn.

Learning the rotations isn’t really what determines whether or not you’re skilled, what shows actual skill is being able to consistently pull off those rotations while paying attention to mechanics. In WoW you can more or less press a few buttons and stand still unless you’re one of the few people who’ve been given an

As someone who has done a fair bit of raiding in FFXIV, it is 100% more complex than WoW. At a glance it’s not, and I can understand why some would think it’s the same just from looking at it, but when you really get into the nitty gritty details the difference is like night and day. I’m not going to bother to explain

Bethesda ALWAYS makes PC version the priority. Console versions are pretty much an afterthought. They’re one of the few companies that began with PC and stuck with it rather than pulling a 180 and prioritizing consoles. That’s right, I’m looking at you, Bungie.