
Expansion is a massive letdown, and I didn’t have very high expectations to begin with.

I hit 120 today and I’m already bored.

That’s been my experience as a student.

They were never allowed in class when I was in school. Been 7 years since I got out of high school but I’d imagine it couldn’t have changed that much. I think it’s less of a “is it allowed?” thing and more of a “the current generation just doesn’t give a shit and will do what they want anyway” thing.

I agree with most of what you said, but “assault style weapons” is just asinine. You do realize that’s literally just the fact that they have a similar appearance to military weapons, right? It doesn’t make them any more or less deadly than any other gun, and no, “assault style weapon” does not mean semi-automatic or

Totally agree. I casually stream games for some of my friends via Twitch and I would never consider using Facebook for it instead.

No it’s a good example because he said “No Mario characters” but STILL CALLED Super Mario.

That is correct. I’m from Upstate NY, and am generally very used to the temperature going well into the negatives. With that being said, I moved to Texas a little over a year ago, and after getting used to the average temps here, I am now freezing my ass off with it being 3C.

It adds to the experience, and therefore “it’s only cosmetic” is a moot argument.

The game itself tbh is pretty lackluster but like with most things, you get a few friends to play it with and it becomes fun.

I’m on board with this list.

Yeah that sounds about right. I still have both the first and 2nd games on disc, but with no disc drive.

I know that feel.

Whoever is in charge of anti-piracy. Nintendo will do whatever it takes to make sure their games aren’t pirated, even if it means fucking over everyone along the way.

You do realize that most pirates are not the people cracking the games right?

My thoughts the entire time I was reading this lol.

You’re right on the money. It’s essentially just that, an Nvidia shield tablet with a custom OS and a docking station. Before the specs were touched on I was actually pretty excited for this, now I can only see myself buying it if it’s in the $200 range. Any higher than $250 and it’s a no-buy for me, unfortunately.

Yeah I’m surprised by this as well, I only completed 3/4 zones (all quests, not just achievement quests) and the dungeon runs for 2 of them before I hit 110. No rested exp.

Edit: Though I also never skipped a bonus objective.

I like it better than Wrath for sure, but it’s all opinion based.

As someone who spends 99% of my time disappointed with what WoW has become, Legion is REALLY good. Especially at 110. I haven’t completed half of the current content that’s out in the 110 zone, Suramar or most of Stormheim either. I have however already cleared the initial 8 dungeons on all difficulties bar Mythic+.

I love my Vita to death, but I can’t in good conscience recommend that anyone who doesn’t already have one purchase one unless they are a big fan of JRPGs like myself. Sony has all but forgotten that the Vita is a thing unless they’re pushing firmware updates to thwart the homebrew scene.