
Now, I absolutely don’t agree with the situation but the guy does have a point.

You can say with absolute certainty that when put into a certain situation that you wouldn’t do something or would do it a certain way, but you can never know for certain until you find yourself in that situation.

That said, I forget if it

I remember making a crack about how I was going to do something similar to this a few weeks back over on GameSpot when they started removing Kojima’s name from everything.

Ah... ahahah. I see what you did there.

Agreed. It feels too cluttered.

That would be the only way to do it. Implement a bad ending where she lives and the world dies. :D

We don’t want you to buy the game. :D

Sephiroth was developed pretty well in Crisis Core, I’d imagine they’d probably throw in some backstory from CC in the new VII, but obviously I couldn’t say whether or not they REALLY would.

Lol the problem there, is if Zack lives, FFVII’s entire story changes.

“Changing everything else”

Pretty sure nobody ever confirmed that. They said there would be changes, they did not say “Everything will be different”.

If they were to do it, I would rather it only be possible in like a new game plus, that way new and old players alike would still be able to have the an enhanced version of the original experience, but still have the alternative route available in a second play-through for those who want this.

My point is, you're asinine to call people stupid for something that is fundamental to marketing.

Pretty sure it has nothing to do with people’s level of intelligence and more to do with the fact that a lot of people (myself included) have better things to do than play some random indie game with a shitty name. If I were given both of those titles as options for a game to play and given no information besides the

While this is true, Blizz takes it to the extreme. Death Knights are proof that Blizz doesn’t know how to properly balance their classes.

I second this ^

WoD was more expensive than any of the previous expansions and had less content.

I think at this point it’s more about milking the game while they still can.

Calm down there big guy. Also, grammar.

Please yes

Unless of course they re-did him from TBC, in which case I stand corrected.

How is this news? This isn’t the first time someone has solo’d Doom Lord Kazzak lol. Maybe the first person to record it, but by no means the first.

Edit: I didn’t realize they re-did Kazzak in the new zone, so feel free to disregard this hahah.

It’s because DanMachi didn’t try to be .Hack//Sign and fail miserably.

I also never said I was a gamer, so kindly pull your head out of your ass. :D