
Except that people DO love this game.

How about you tell me more about how you're an ignorant fanboy, instead?

Tell that to to all the companies that have used One for products that were not their first. For example... The first Playstation was just called Playstation, but then they redesigned it as the Playstation One.


Exactly. I don't understand why so many people have issues understanding this. Xbox Infinity is NOT a name that should ever be used unless they decide that they're not releasing any more consoles afterwards.

Gabe's gripe with Windows 8 was the existence of the Windows Store built right into the OS, iirc.

Pretty sure you missed the point. Who's the moron now?

Yes... Yes we are. Hahah.

That's true, but I don't know if I'll ever come to terms with that lol.

One of the things I loved about Final Fantasy XI was that the monthly fee was $12.99/month, opposed to the $14.99+tax/month standard of other MMOs that can only be waived if you buy in bulk.

I wasn't. SE is really good about their MMO pricing. (Granted they've only had 2 MMOs technically, but still)

Well you've got a point there, I just expected it to be more popular than it was because it seemed like it was going to do well judging by the gameplay. I really liked the class system they were using back when I first tried it out, thought it was pretty nifty.

Well, at least it's only $30 and not $60 like most other MMOs now.

But aside from that, definitely. People flip out a little too much. Yes, there is a reason to be upset, but no, there isn't a reason to be THAT upset.

In any case, if any of my replies from last night seemed at all hostile I apologize, I can be pretty

I don't know, I just can't see it as worse than most others because other than the server issues (which seem to be resolved now) there really haven't been any problems in-game. And let's be fair, SE has never done NA/EU data centers before, previously they just ran everything out of the JP servers which had already

Be that as it may, those $30 weren't spent on the early access. Early access was just an added bonus given to anyone who chose to play the game for at least 3 months.

And that's understandable, I just think people should calm down about it.

It seemed a lot less popular than I expected it to be from what I experienced in beta.

I think he might have meant Wrath of the Lich King, because servers were super packed on launch day.

Tera launch wasn't all that smooth, it took them a day or two to implement a queue because there were crowding issues.

Also, Tera launch wasn't a real launch because it's a game that had already been released a year earlier in Korea.

And Rift wasn't all that popular, so that's not at all surprising.

Why would anyone wait a week before playing a game that they paid for? It doesn't make any sense unless you're busy with something else that's more important. Especially when you're wasting an entire week of your free game time. What people need to do is log out when they aren't playing and have more patience in

Pretty sure I didn't pay $30 to get into Early Access, and even if I had, I was promised early access to the servers, which I did get, regardless of whether the servers were working flawlessly the entire time or not.

Makata does have a point here, consumers are irrational pricks 90% of the time.

Yes, the companies have