
I'm going to interject here and mention that the duty finder DOES stop you from questing if you're doing your main story quests.

On another note, some of the issues that "weren't fixed" actually have been fixed. The duty finder issues have been resolved since the second day of early access. The queue does work on

I am on NA/EU servers and I've had very few issues playing the game since first day of early access. A couple of 1017 errors here and there but nothing to get upset about or warrant for the launch to be called a disaster or anything like that.

It isn't really all that bad. It's going much better than any MMO launch in the last couple of years.

And let's not forget that Guild Wars 2 sales were also halted after launch due to issues if I remember correctly, and for whatever reason people seem to believe that it launched without a hitch.

I stopped reading after you called your opinion a fact. Can you prove that Sony never intended on going digital? No? Then shut up and sit down.

To be fair, Guild Wars is B2P, not F2P, and LOTRO was P2P for quite a while before it went F2P.

Yeah.. I played the beta for about 30 minutes before I decided that I will not touch the game again unless they make some huge changes to it.

That's why I love Square Enix. FFXIV is $12.99/month, or if you're a Legacy member it's $9.99/month. Fuck everyone else.

3 of the 4 in my area are all great when sober. :T

I've had a few problems with GFWL games not running as a result of issues with GFWL. They're fixed fairly easily, but it's a bit of a pain that I had to find workarounds for said issues on my own, rather than MS fixing the problems from their end.

You're lazy.


Actually, Super Smash Bros. Brawl made it popular.

Just saying.

Om nom nom, Joel-Shoulder. Tasty.

It's screwing everything up because some people like to bitch and whine about everything. :)

Yeah, I get that.

Sounds like a pain.

In any case, those issues no longer exist since MS changed their policy...

I'm a little upset that we're losing features as a result of it... I could have lived with the 24-hour requirement and no-trade-ins.

Yeah, I was just about to say... This is exactly what the Xbox One is doing...

See, that makes sense to me.

And no, I have one overseas so I understand that, but even then I'm not sitting around in the house all day, and never have I taken a console with me to keep me entertained because to me, if I'm on vacation I should be enjoying myself with things I can't already do on a regular basis.


I don't know... German TV sounds like it could be pretty entertaining...

So far you've given me the best argument, but once again I return to my handheld argument. For such scenarios, I have a laptop and handhelds.

No, it IS entirely true, because I'm talking about ME.

Consoles, to me, are not meant to be a portable thing that I carry around with me when I go on trips. For that I have a laptop and handhelds, consoles are meant to stay in the house where they function best. The only possible time I will ever take a console

No, I didn't miss the point or misunderstand. I just disagree. It makes no sense to me to do that.