
You obviously don't know what it means to troll.

Once again, I implore you to go fuck yourself you piece of fanboy shit.

And you're complaining why, exactly?

I wasn't really trying to insult you, sorry if it seemed that way. In any case, no I still own all of my Xbox games and N64 games, but I touch neither. I did however sell the consoles, because unlike the games, there's actually a profit to be made there.

The real question is, have YOU read my comments? Nowhere did I bash the PS4, and I've stated multiple times that I will be purchasing both.

Now I implore you to go fuck yourself.

And I do not own 3 zunes, windows 8, any windows phones, or a surface.

I do own every operating system before Win 8, and a Zune HD, and I used to own a First Gen Zune.

So I wouldn't call myself a MS lunatic or anything of the sort. I, however, WILL be buying this "Xbone piece of crap."

Except in my opinion, it's not a

I agree that it's pretty cool too, but I don't really use mine due to a lack of space. Usually I'll use it either for the mic or I'll mess around on the dashboard with hand gestures just for the hell of it. It really is pretty cool it just needs to be improved upon, which I'm glad to see they're doing with the XBO.


I don't think it's that it wasn't designed for actual gamers, I think it's more that it was new and experimental, and needed a lot of improvement.

I'm going to put it plain and simple... I am a PC gamer. People such as myself have been putting up with DRM for a long time, and are used to this. Because of this, I at the very least see these new policies as fair, because they are even less restrictive than those used in the PC gaming world. I don't know about

Yeah.. I have a PS Eye but I literally have only used it once, and I got it as a gift.

I also have a Kinect, and I've used it far more than I've used the Eye.

I'm all for console-dungeon crawlers (I miss playing games like Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance and D&D Heroes with my friends), but putting in loot that's themed off of their console exclusives is far from enticing... Especially considering I didn't/don't care for many of the PS exclusives save for some JRPG's, Infamous,

I think it's pretty fitting, personally. Kinda reminds me of a certain game from the PS1, I can't remember what it was called though. Involved fighter jets, and I think the trailer or something like that had some pretty insane solos. I don't really remember, I was just a kid at the time.

Beautiful explanation!

I don't usually play Indies, but this looks very promising. (And I don't play indies usually just because I'm typically not interested in the games themselves, not because they're indies)

Firstly, I just want to point out that I wasn't referring to Square Enix's current troubles,

I just chose them at random as an example; though I guess for the sake of the

argument I should've just made up a company.

In any case... I understand that a sale of a used item is not NECESSARILY a sale lost,

but it is a

But it was because they didn't charge for PSN that their security wasn't good enough to prevent it.

Microsoft required payment for XBL in order to play online... The results? A service

Exactly. I for one plan on getting both eventually, but I'm defending Microsoft because

these reactions are absolutely ridiculous. I feel ashamed to call myself a gamer thanks

to all these bigots online.

We paid for XBL Gold, and as a result our servers are far more powerful and secure. You get what you pay for. If you pay nothing, you can't expect jack shit. Also, PS+ is now required, which proves my point in its entirety. Sony can't afford to keep offering their online services for free, because it compromises the

It is, however, a potential sale lost.

I understand that as a consumer you couldn't give any less shits about that,

but what you have to see is that all of these corporations exist for the money,

without that steady flow of income, they cannot provide us with a product that

is actually worth our money. And THAT is why