How do I inject this directly into my veins
How do I inject this directly into my veins
She was moving at 5 mph and got t-boned
Unrelated, but Nuremberg Barbie is the best name for her I’ve heard yet. (Although I’d like to plug my own, which is Fascist Becky)
They want me to give them my email address? No. Ew.
I think it’s like about 75% accurate—there’s not good data because most electors are just rando private citizens. I got it from Navah Wolfe on twitter. She’s awesome.
I didn’t get anyone on the phone yet, but I did prepare a voicemail script. It’s pretty basic, but here goes:
Fuck bargaining, I just spent an hour calling every EC voter I could find.
I have epilepsy now. Thanks
I mean, the International Institute of Boston does do a lot of resettlement work in MA. There are other orgs in state as well. I think it might be a per-state quota kind of deal.
I’m slightly happy about this? Because that’s only a few days before my birthday, and now I know what I will spend my delightful cake-monies on.
Oddly enough, God is now telling me to find this guy, slash the tires on his truck, and pour cement mix in his gas tank.
my god, he’s almost completely bald on top of his head now. that’s what I took from all of this.
RE: The baseball fence, I always wished that Star Wars would feature more space sports apart from podracing, sabacc, and gladiatorial pit-fights. Spaceball could totally be a thing.
Please have your phone ready to capture the look on his face.
So, maybe more like $50 million?
Have you read Dark Disciple?
For whatever reason, I just thought it was guacamole. Am I nuts?
Definitely steak-guy, and most likely soda-guy as well. Because pulling that kind of revenge is just heartlessly cruel. The poor kitchen.
I actually love this style - it basically makes the game aging-proof. I’d play Skyrim again if it looked like this.