Thank you for coming to my FED talk
How do I inject this directly into my veins
What excites me the most is... that doesn’t look like an x-wing! The engine contrails are coming right out of the back, and there’s that weird expanded nosecone on the front. I wonder if that’s a canon version of the e-wing, or maybe a z-95 Headhunter...
Jet fuel may not melt steel beams, but it does a heck of a job on dinosaurs
I really, REALLY want a Bandai-style model kit of the Resistance Bomber. It looks like it would be so fun to put together and paint.
There was the whole prequel thing where Yoda basically stopped the emperor’s lightning with his bare hands, turned it into a ball, and threw it at him.
This is terrific
Don’t condescend to tell me what I like about star wars
Funnily enough, I loved this movie for the exact same reasons you hated it, my dude
She was moving at 5 mph and got t-boned
All I can see are mouse ears. Giant scaly mouse ears.
So, Werner Von Musk basically?
Unrelated, but Nuremberg Barbie is the best name for her I’ve heard yet. (Although I’d like to plug my own, which is Fascist Becky)
Possibly because the process of of costuming is an interesting and overlooked part of film-making?
Trump: Climate change is a hoax created by the Chinese!
They want me to give them my email address? No. Ew.
I think it’s like about 75% accurate—there’s not good data because most electors are just rando private citizens. I got it from Navah Wolfe on twitter. She’s awesome.
I didn’t get anyone on the phone yet, but I did prepare a voicemail script. It’s pretty basic, but here goes:
Fuck bargaining, I just spent an hour calling every EC voter I could find.