If you think Tiger wobbling aimlessly out into an area he shouldn’t be in, only to have a white guy in a tight uniform try to guide him back to a safe place is something new, you haven’t watched him try to golf for the last 3 1/2 years.
The chicken wing restaurant I eventually worked at did a 7.95 all u can eat wing rings, and fries every Wednesday. Even with a drink it was less than 10 bucks. We’d have half days every other Wednesday and would get to the wing joint aroun 12:30 and stay until 6 or 7 at night playing arcade games. We’d average about…
Suns gotta shine on a dog’s ass every now and then.
His +\- on dishes cleaned to dishes dirtied is going to be terrible.
Best to you always, Erg. You and yours are the finest kind.
Holy shit, that’s good. +1
David J Roth
In 20 years, you’ll be able to replace ‘Jumper’ with ‘Brain’ and reuse the headline.
Now watch Magic Johnson scare the crap out of a translator by opening his mouth to form words.
Bilas: OOOH! OOHH! Do ‘The NCAA and Its Relationship To Student-Athletes!’
Like everyone else has said, this is hardly a flagrant travel, but you get one gather step. He takes three after the gather. Regardless, the Earth is flat.
Mostly I’m just joking, it’s fairly clean, but since he puts his right foot down twice while holding the ball, and it’s not a jump step, you could probably whistle him.
Well, Kyrie finally convinced me that the Earth is flat, because if this really were a spherical planet he took enough steps on that play to circumnavigate the motherfucker.
Day ain’t over yet.
The victim had scratches and bruising. When asked for comment Richardson said, “Well, I hit her as hard as possibly could.”
Buddy was just following his coach’s admonition to not back down against Sac.
“I believe in red. We don’t normally wear red.” - Fully Soviet Donald Trump after Putin whispers in his ear, “Bernie would have won.”