A Magic Puffin

Guess it depends on your definition. Friend and me cloned a bunch of them in Emerald from the Mystery Mew event. I always trade them up as a way of trading for the opposite legendary when a new game comes out. They were allowed to be traded on the GTS.

First video guy tries to say he's not racist because the n-word doesn't mean he hates blacks it depends on context and since he uses it for whites it's not racist. Well sorry to bust your bubble but you're using it as an insult which means you find the person you're insulting to be inferior to you and labeling them

Guess it depends on the router.

Could just switch to WEP when you need to. Thats what I did. I thought you meant something else that made it impossible.

Yeah thanks to reddit. Best deal ever. I probably would have went down there if I were you employees tend not to know what they have in stock and give half assed answers to be on their way.

Got Black or White? Not sure if the sequels can trade with them but if they do I got a Mew for you.

What of you mean? What protocols I mean?

Wtf? Is this real? So we know who the real culprit is?

Ouch I see now it is out of stock and everyone else is charging ridiculous prices. But your original reply says headset. Glad I found Turtle Beach XO Fours in clearance at Target last week for $29.99.

Confused on what you are trying to say. One is an adapter the other is an adapter + headset, I don't see how they compare.

Still kinda pointless as a consumer, unless you have both systems. Even then it is a single player game and the PS4 is known for having more power so buy it there. I don't see your problem.........

I'm kinda ready for them to drop last gen honestly. Even though they are making them work, any cross-gen game is limiting next gen. Once they drop it they can focus on more than graphics. Besides BF4 the only difference is graphics. I wanna see what they get up to with the goodness of next gen. You could say well go

Maybe I have it wrong but I assumed troll was used because the term for fishing. Since you know the trolls are fishing for an internet fight or a job well done from other trolls.

Some words(like bitch and ass are ok but fuck isn't) and I think there is a time limit.

History is written by the victors, if you're telling your grandchildren you fought in a war that cost 600k lives 'political power" isn't a reason you would wanna use. Freeing slaves is. Here are the real issues of the time

Obviously you've never heard of the thumb trick.

Would you not call walking up the steps of the world's second tallest building a climb? Not to mention the scaling of the crane. Also you asked for a definition:

Maybe the other 2 took a nap or something so they could see better when they climbed the crane. Or they just spent more time taking in the view.

Haven't gone through the gray comments but I'm surprised that there is not one joke about Chinese quality possibly tied in with China's population in the top comments.

As Axial said but go to newegg. SLI version is $1000 and depending on your state there is no taxes. Also could probably get free shipping. I have the older version but still recommend it for the price.…