I would hate staring at people at stoplights though.
Fuck, calling Discovery channel to have everyone fired.
He goes from making light of rape to making light of suicide. Well played, commie!
Good news: Dragon Age: Inquisition is pretty great. Less-good news: Being a story-heavy role-playing game, it…
if i paid for it YES THE FUCK I AM. But since nobody knows yet we'll just wait it out.
The movie is just 2 years after the war. Naruto and Hinata ain't even in a relationship. To have an offspring or 2 which looks like that is just impossible.
Why does it look to me as if Naruto's children look older than Kurenai's daughter in those concept arts? o_O
The article says he fled after having been convicted.
Canadian maple leaves are more polite., but only by a hair.
Sims 4 was built with the intent of getting rid of a lot of the lag issues that existed in 3, which was their main reason why Create-a-Style was removed since the game always had to render so many colors and textures. That's also why open worlds are gone, and why there are short loading screens between lots again. …
It seemed like it was going to go by the books and turn him into one but just gave up and went another direction, as if it never happened
Seems that we may have similar tastes. I just started watching HunterxHunter and am enjoying it so far. I'm also into Hamatora which is not sword play but has a good story, fights but can be bloody. Oh, Sengoku Basura which is on Funimation. It is historical and has great fights.
It was seeing FLCL that made me write this whole post. I assure you this is easily one of the best anime series ever. If you do some research you will see it is held in very high esteem and is on many "best of" lists. It also is nice and bloody for for mechs. The character development for all of the characters is…
I know you are not a fan of "Big Mechs" but you are seriously missing out if you don't watch Neon Genesis Evangalion. If you are turned off to Big Mech Anime because the plot is usually not as intelligent as you like or not nearly as adult, I understand you being turned off. I think many places don't give proper…
You might also like Samurai Champloo or the Sword of the Stranger movie for swordplay then.
Detroit Metal City (shorts but awesome), Samurai 7, Samurai Champloo, Accel World, SAO, Cowboy Bebop, Canaan, Angel Beats, Burst Angel, Beserk, Claymore, Soul Eater, Chaos Head, Guilty Crown, Summer Wars
I think you'll like most of them if not all
You might enjoy Kenshin? Although it's probably better to read it. The Trust & Betrayal OVA is fantastic though. (I know this isn't new at all...)