Workers are now wearing disposable covers for their shoes. Time Warner Cable guy showed up the other day and my house was a wreck but he still insisted he had to put them on even though I didn’t care.
Workers are now wearing disposable covers for their shoes. Time Warner Cable guy showed up the other day and my house was a wreck but he still insisted he had to put them on even though I didn’t care.
Too bad it doesn't have 16x4 bonding, TWC is upgrading my neighborhood to Maxx and for the 300 and 200 plans you need 16 channel bonding. To top it off I have trouble getting both Xbox Ones online and it all works flawlessly right now with the modem/router combo the sent me for the upgrade. I just can't afford a $120…
Too bad it doesn't have 16x4 bonding, TWC is upgrading my neighborhood to Maxx and for the 300 and 200 plans you…
Must be Jack Harkness.
Don't know what the PS4 browser supports but try, works HTML videos work on the Xbox One.
Google Play runs in the Xbox One browser which you can snap (as of this moment there are no apps in the background able to run music while you play unless the app is snapped or full screen). Soon MS is going to let us upload our collection to the cloud like Google Play so we can get our songs that Xbox Music doesn't…
No I'm pretty sure its that one jutsu that kept him alive in Kabuto, something to do with Senju DNA I think. Not EDO.
Angle of the tip squared. Penis size according to South Park, see video I replied to original comment with.
But the third games were always realeased a little later and could be considered remakes since they add new things and improve upon the first two. Crystal really was in the same vein as Yellow and Emerald.
Pokemon Crystal? None of the remakes have had their third counterpart remade. Heck, we haven't even had a third game for awhile.
So many stars yet Xbox One requiring you to check in for a few seconds once every 24 hours caused a shit storm.
Maybe you don't follow up? I've seen plenty arrested and get prison time, the FBI actually as a task force for finding swatters. I'm bit saying all get caught but it is taken seriously.
You forget the fact Unity will have tons of live tangible NPCs on the screen, not prerendered background crowds.
Doesn't end up in my home. :-D
Works fine on the legs though, wife steals mine all the time.
Agreed I was just pointing that out. There may be an epilogue though.
This, almost no way this works since the trailer states the movie takes place 2 years after the last manga. The only way I think those kid might be seen is in an epilogue at the end of the movie and Kurenai's daughter design is before the epilogue.
His arm has been known to be wrapped in bandages at least since July, so I wouldn't put much weight in that besides the fact that fans make fanart within 24 hours of newly released manga all the time.
What are the exact details of the trial though? Who was there? It lasted for 2 weeks which I doubt would have happened if they didn't have anyone at all representing them, the article linked didn't specify these things.
Freaking Kinja, was replying to someone saying the graphics card is a lie.