Did they make it transparent so I can actually see my Overheat bar and don’t crash into the ground whenever it pops up?
Did they make it transparent so I can actually see my Overheat bar and don’t crash into the ground whenever it pops up?
For fuck’s sakes.
The only time I ever played a song on repeat was by accident. I must have listened to Turning Japanese for 15 minutes before I realized it wasn’t just a reeeeaaly long song.
They aren’t though. The two unlock-able characters can be unlocked for free through normal gameplay. You get the currency to buy them from leveling up, not out of loot boxes. The game is free, and you can get the characters for free if you keep playing the game. Want them right now? then that’s 15 bucks.
yeah, but the other half is super fun player mobility. Especially in titanfall 2 with the grappling hooks
Old grumpy people not realizing that streaming now really can be a profession.
Wow. You made what I was thinking sound petty and silly, and stopped me midtrack from spewing it to the world.
You’re right. Good for them. To be able to heap such lavish sums of income, roughly the equivalent of 2 yearly salaries, on to another.
“My girlfriend has worked full-time to support my career as a Fortnite streamer, so I owe it to her and my four-year-old son...”
Good for them both. Would that we all could be in a position to do that sorta thing for people.
Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters-Tebow sounds like the name of a law firm based in Narnia.
Not more, just enough to make kids and prove to baby Jesus that you’re not a homo.
Oh my god. This immediately brought to mind the scene in Kill Bill where the hospital attendant had been assaulting her while she was in her coma and just jesus fucking christ. This poor woman.
Their prerogative, no matter how trigger-happy.
I only ever used Tumblr for adult content so I guess I’m never going back.
The preferred nomenclature isn’t “anti-vax”, it’s “pro-disease”!
Jesus Christ Fahey we’ve got all these new Lays flavors and NOBODY’S TELLIN’ ME ABOUT ‘EM.